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  1. An Empirical Analysis of Transparency-Related Characteristics of European and US Sovereign Bond Markets. (2006). Portes, Richard ; Moore, Michael ; Dunne, Peter.
    In: Research Technical Papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. ANAND, A and WEABER, D, (2004), âCan order exposure be mandated?â, Journal of Financial Markets 7, 405-426.

  2. ASCARELLI, S, (2005), âCitigroup Euro-Bond Push Sparked Market Firestormâ, Wall Street Journal, 3 February 2005, at A1.
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  3. BALDUZZI, P., ELTON, E. J. and GREEN, T. C., (October 1997), Economic News and the Yield Curve: Evidence from the US Treasury Market.

  4. BANCO DE ESPAÃA 65 DOCUMENTO OCASIONAL N.º 0501 FLÃGEL, V. and KESY, C., (2004), âOrganization des SekundÃrhandels von Bundeswertpapieren: Historisch Gewachsen! Ãkonomisch Begründbar?â, Kredit und Kapital, 37. Jahrgang, Heft 4, 500-536.
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  5. BANCO DE ESPAÃA 66 DOCUMENTO OCASIONAL N.º 0501 VAYANOS, D. and WANG, T., (2002), Search and Endogenous Concentration of Liquidity in Asset Markets, Working Paper, mimeo.

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  16. FINANCIAL TIMES, March 1st 2005, page 2.
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  39. WILLIAMS, S., (2000), remarks in a OECD Roundtable on Capital Markets Reform in Asia.
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