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Alternative Methods for Solving Heterogeneous Firm Models. (2017). Terry, Stephen.
In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

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  1. Fast Simulation-Based Bayesian Estimation of Heterogeneous and Representative Agent Models using Normalizing Flow Neural Networks. (2022). Fen, Cameron.
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  2. Applying the Explicit Aggregation Algorithm to Heterogeneous Macro Models. (2020). Sunakawa, Takeki.
    In: Computational Economics.

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  3. Computing Dynamic Heterogeneous-Agent Economies: Tracking the Distribution. (2020). Gordon, Grey.
    In: Economic Quarterly.

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  4. An Alternative Solution Method for Continuous-Time Heterogeneous Agent Models with Aggregate Shocks. (2019). Okahata, Nobuhide.
    In: 2019 Meeting Papers.

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References cited by this document

    References contributed by pco11-26471

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