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Smoking Intensity, Compensatory Behavior and Tobacco Tax Policy. (2008). Irvine, Ian.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. * . 2006b. The Effect of Bans and Taxes on Passive Smoking. University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies. http://dx.nbdrs.com/10.1920/wp.cem.2005.2005 * Becker, Gary and Kevin. M. Murphy. 1988. A Theory of Rational Addiction. Journal of Political Economy, 96(4): 675-700.

  2. * Adda, Jerome, and Francesca Cornaglia. 2006a. Taxes, Cigarette Consumption and Smoking Intensity. American Economic Review, 96(4): 1013-1028.

  3. * Benowitz, Neal, Brenda Herrera and Peyton Jacob III. 2004. Mentholated cigarette smoking inhibits nicotine metabolism. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy: 310(3), 1208-15.
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  4. * Benowitz, Neal, Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, Brenda Herrera, Peyton Jacob III. 2002. Slower Metabolism and Reduced Intake of Nicotine from Cigarette Smoking in Chinese-Americans. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 94(2): XX.
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  5. * Benowitz, Neal, Peyton Jacob 3rd, John Bernert, Margaret Wilson, Langing Wang, Faith Allen, and Delia Dempsey. 2005. Carcinogen Exposure during Short-term Switching from Regular to `Light Cigarettes. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention: 14(6), 1376- 1383.
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  6. * Chaiton, Michael, Neil Collishaw and Aaron Callard. 2005. Smoker Preference for `Elastic Cigarettes in the Canadian Cigarette Market. Chronic Diseases in Canada, 26(1): 20-24.
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  7. * Chaloupka, Frank and Ken Warner. 2000. The Economics of Smoking. Handbook of Health Economics, vol. 1, ed. Anthony Culyer and Joseph Newhouse, 1539-1627. Amsterdam, North Holland.

  8. * Cragg, John. 1971. Some Statistical Models for Limited Dependent Variables with Application to the Demand for Durable Goods. Econometrica, 39(5): 829-844. * CTUMS: Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey. Statistics Canada, Ottawa.

  9. * Evans, William and Matthew Farrelly. 1998. The Compensating Behaviour of Smokers: Taxes, Tar and Nicotine. Rand Journal of Economics, 29(3): 578-595.
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  10. * Fagerstrom, Karl. 1978. Measuring degree of physical dependence to tobacco smoking with reference to individualization of treatment. Addiction Behavior, 3: 235-241.
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  11. * Farrelly, Matthew, C. Nimsch, Andrew Hyland and K. Michael Cummings. 2004. The Effects of Higher Cigarette Prices on Tar and Nicotine Consumption in a Cohort of Adult Smokers. Health Economics, 13: 49-58. XX * Gospodinov, Nikolay and Ian Irvine. 2008. Tobacco Taxes and Regressivity. Working paper, Department of Economics, Concordia University, Montreal. http://alcor .concordia.ca/ ~gospodin/.

  12. * Gruber, John and Bothund Koszegi. 2004. Tax Incidence when Individuals are Time Inconsistent: The Case of Cigarette Taxes. Journal of Public Economics, 88(9-10): 19591987.

  13. * Hammond, David, Geoffrey Fong, K. Michael Cummings, Richard OConnor, Gary Giovani and Ann McNeill. 2006. Cigarette Yields and Human Exposure: A Comparison of Alternative Testing Regimes. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 15(8): 1495-1501.
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  14. * Harris, Jeffrey. 1980. Taxing Tar and Nicotine. American Economic Review, 70(3): 300311. * ~ 2004. Incomplete compensation does not imply reduced harm: yields of 40 smoke intoxicants per milligram nicotine in regular filter versus low-tar cigarettes in the 1999 Massachusetts Benchmark Study. Nicotine Tobacco Research, 6: 797 - 807.

  15. * Hoffmann, Dietrich and Ilse Hoffmann. 1997. The Changing Cigarette, 1950-1995. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 50(4): 307 - 364.
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  16. * Jarvis, Martin, Richard Boreham, Paola Primatesta, Cohn Feyerabend and Andrew Bryant. Nicotine Yield from Machine-Smoked Cigarettes and Nicotine Intake in Smokers: Evidence from a Representative Population Survey. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2001, vol. 93, 134-138.
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  17. * Jones, Andrew, 2000. Health Econometrics. Handbook of Health Economics, vol. 1, ed. Anthony Culyer and Joseph Newhouse: 265-344. Amsterdam: North Holland.

  18. * Kozlowski, Lynn, Nicholas Y Mehta, Christine T Sweeney, Stephen S Schwartz, George P Vogler, Martin J Jarvis, Robert J West. 1998. Filter Ventilation and Nicotine Content of Tobacco in Cigarettes from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Tobacco Control, 7: 369-375. * Statistics Canada. Production and Disposition of Tobacco Products. Catalogue number 32-022-XWE.
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  19. Smoking Topography, Brand Switching, and Nicotine Delivery: Results from an In vivo Study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 14(6): 1370-1375.
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