Vertebrata (classifications)
[править]Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
[править]Vertebrata Cuvier, 1800, Lamarck, 1801
- Ossea Batsch, 1788
- Osteozoaria de Blainville
- Osteozoa Nitzsch
- Sarcozoa Oken
- Myeloneura Ehrenberg
- Myelencephala Owen
- Rückenmarkthiere Ehrenberg
- Rückgratthiere Wiegm.
- Spini-cérébraux Latreille
- Spini-cerebrata Grant
- Spondylozoa Eichw., 1829
[править]Batsch (1788–1789)
[править]Batsch, J.G.C. Versuch einer Anleitung, zur Kenntniss und Geschichte der Thiere und Mineralien. Erster Theil: Allgemeine Geschichte der Natur; besondre der Säugthiere, Vögel, Amphibien und Fische, 1788. Zweyter Theil. Besondre Geschichte der Insekten, Gewürme und Mineralien, 1789. Jena: Akademische Buchhandlung.
Thiere [p. 81–89]
- Knochenthiere, Ossea
- I. Cl. Säugthiere, Mammalia
- II. Cl. Vögel, Aves
- III. Cl. Amphibien, Amphibia
- IV. Cl. Fische, Pisces
- Schaalentiere, Crustacea
- V. Cl. Insekten, Insecta
- Unvollkommenen thiere
- VI. Cl. Würmer, Vermes
Cuvier (1800)
[править]Cuvier, G. Leçons d'anatomie comparée, 1st ed., vol. 1. Paris, année VIII [1800], [1]. See Gregory (1910).
Tableau general des classes des animaux [foldout, p. 496–497]
- Animaux
- Vertébrés
- Sang chaud : coeur à deux ventricules
- Vivipares : des mammeles (1. Mammifères, Mammalia)
- Ovipares : point des mammeles (2. Oiseaux, Aves)
- Sang froid : coeur à un ventricule
- Des poumons, accompagnés quelquefois des branchies (3. Reptiles, Amphibia)
- Des branchies, sans poumons (4. Poissons, Pisces)
- Sang chaud : coeur à deux ventricules
- Invertébrés
- Vertébrés
Lamarck (1801)
[править]Lamarck, J.B. (1801). Systême des animaux sans vertèbres, ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux. Paris: Chez l’auteur, [2], [3].
- Animaux à vetèrbres
- Mammaux
- Oiseaux
- Reptiles
- Poissons
- Animaux sans vetèrbres
Bonaparte (1837)
[править]Bonaparte, C.L. New systematic arrangement of vertebrated animals. Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. XVIII, pp. 247, [4].
Animalia Vertebrata
- Classis I. Mammalia
- Classis II. Aves
- Classis III. Amphibia
- Classis IV. Pisces
Owen (1868)
[править]Owen, R. On the anatomy of vertebrates, 3 vols, [5].
Province Myelencephala, seu Vertebrata [v. 3, pp. 839–847]
- Class Mammalia
- Class Aves
- Class Reptilia
- Class Pisces
Haeckel (1874)
[править]Haeckel, E. Anthropogenie, oder Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen. 1st ed., 1874, [6]. 2nd unchanged ed., 1874, [7], see pp. 416, 421, 440, 441, 492, 496b.
- Thierreich
- Protozoa
- Zoophyta
- Vermes
- Mollusca
- Echinoderma
- Arthropoda
- Chordonia [p. 441]
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Acrania
- Leptocardia
- Craniota
- Monorhina
- Cyclostoma
- Amphirhina
- Anamnia
- Pisces
- Dipneusta
- Amphibia
- Amniota
- Reptilia
- Aves
- Mammalia
- Monotrema
- Marsupialia
- Placentalia
- Anamnia
- Monorhina
- Acrania
Hatschek (1888)
[править]Hatschek, B. (1888). Lehrbuch der Zoologie, 1. Lieferung, p. 40; Jena: Gustav Fischer, [8].
- Protozoa
- Metazoa
- Protaxonia (= Coelenterata)
- Spongia
- Cnidaria
- Ctenophora
- Heteraxonia (= Bilateria)
- Zygoneura
- Ambulacralia [misspelling of Ambulacraria]
- Chordonii
- Tunicata
- Leptocardii
- Vertebrata
- Cyclostomata
- Gnathostomata
- Protaxonia (= Coelenterata)
Cope (1891–1898)
[править]Cope, E.D. (1891–1898). Syllabus of lectures on geology and paleontology. 4 vols. Publ. Univ. Penn. From Gregrory (1910).
Cope, E.D. (1898). Syllabus of lectures on the Vertebrata. Publ. Univ. Penn, [9].
Vertebrata (or Chordata)
- Superclass Hemichorda
- Class Helminthophyta
- Superclass Urochorda
- Class Tunicata
- Superclass Cephalochorda
- Class Acrania
- Superclass Craniata
- Class Agnatha
- Class Pisces
- Class Batrachia
- Class Monocondylia
- Subclass Reptilia
- Subclass Aves
- Class Mammalia
- Subclass Prototheria
- Subclass Eutheria
Haeckel (1894–1896)
[править]Haeckel, E. Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). [10]. See Kluge (2004–2015), [11].
[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]
- Pflanzen
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma)
- Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi)
- Thieren
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
- Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)
[Vol. 2, p. 3–11:]
- Metazoa
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata ss. ampl., Anaemnria, Acoelomia)
- Gastraeades (Prometazoa)
- Spongiae (Porifera)
- Cnidaria (Acephalae)
- Platodes (Plathelminthes)
- Coelomaria (Coelomata, Bilateria ss. str., Bilaterata)
- Vermalia (Helminthes ss. str.)
- Mollusca (Malacozoa)
- Articulata (Arthrozoa)
- Echinoderma (Astromia)
- Chordonia (Chordata)
- Tunicata (Urochorda)
- Vertebrata (Cephalochorda)
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata ss. ampl., Anaemnria, Acoelomia)
[Vol. 3, p. 18:]
- Vertebrata, “Bildungsstufen der paarigen Gliedmaassen”
- Adactylia (Vertebrata impinnata) = Agnathona = Monorhina
- Classe Acrania
- Classe Cyclostoma
- Polydactylia (Vertebrata pinnifera) = Quadrupinna (Ingenicata)
- Classe Pisces
- Classe Dipneusta
- Pentadactylia (Vertebrata pentanomia) = Quadrupeda oder Tetrapoda (Geniculata)
- Classe Amphibia
- Classe Reptilia
- Classe Dracones
- Classe Aves
- Classe Mammalia
- Adactylia (Vertebrata impinnata) = Agnathona = Monorhina
[Vol. 3, p. 18:]
- Vertebrata, “Stufen der Herzbildung”
- Leptocardia
- Classe Acrania
- Ichthyocardia
- Classe Cyclostoma
- Classe Pisces
- Amphicardia
- Classe Dipneusta
- Classe Amphibia
- Classe Reptilia
- Thermocardia
- Classe Dracones
- Classe Aves
- Classe Mammalia
- Leptocardia
[Vol. 3, p. 20–21:]
- Vertebrata
- Hauptgruppe Monorhina (Agnathona)
- Classe Acrania
- Classe Cyclostoma
- Hauptgruppe Anamnia (Ichthyopsida)
- Classe Pisces
- Classe Dipneusta
- Classe Amphibia
- Hauptgruppe Amniota (Allantoidia, Ebranchiata)
- Sauropsida (Monocondylia)
- Classe Reptilia
- Classe Dracones
- Classe Aves
- Classe Mammalia
- Sauropsida (Monocondylia)
- Hauptgruppe Monorhina (Agnathona)
Young (1962)
[править]Young, J.Z. The life of vertebrates, 2nd ed., [12].
- Phylum Chordata [p. 24, 81]
- Subphylum 1. Hemichordata (e.g., Balanoglossus, Cephalodiscus, Rhabdopleura)
- Subphylum 2. Cephalochordata (= Acrania) (e.g., Branchiostoma)
- Subphylum 3. Tunicata (e.g., Ciona)
- Subphylum 4. Vertebrata (= Craniata)
- Superclass 1. Agnatha
- Class 1. Cyclostomata
- Order 1. Petromyzontia (e.g., Petromyzon, Lampetra, Entosphenus, Geotria, Mordacia)
- Order 2. Myxinoidea (e.g., Myxine, Bdellostoma)
- Class 2. †Osteostraci (e.g., †Cephalaspis, †Tremataspis)
- Class 3. †Anaspida (e.g., †Birkenia, †Jamoytius)
- Class 4. †Heterostraci (e.g., †Astraspis, †Pteraspis, †Drepanaspis)
- Class 5. †Coelolepida (e.g., †Thelodus, †Lanarkia)
- Class 1. Cyclostomata
- Superclass 2. Gnathostomata
- Class 1. †Placodermi (e.g., †Acanthodes)
- Class 2. Elasmobranchii
- Class 3. Actinopterygii
- Class 4. Crossopterygii
- Class 5. Amphibia
- Class 6. Reptilia
- Class 7. Aves
- Class 8. Mammalia
- Superclass 1. Agnatha
Romer (1966)
[править]Romer, A.S. 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 3rd ed. (1st ed. 1933; 2nd ed. 1945).
Subphylum Vertebrata
- Class Agnatha
- Subclass Monorhina
- Subclass Diplorhina
- Class Placodermi
- Class Chondrichthyes
- Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Subclass Holocephali
- Class Osteichthyes
- ? Subclass Acanthodii
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Infraclass Chondrostei
- Infraclass Holostei
- Subclass Sarcopterygii
- Class Amphibia
- Subclass Labyrinthodontia
- Subclass Lepospondyli
- Subclass Lissamphibia
- Class Reptilia
- Subclass Anapsida
- Subclass Lepidosauria
- Subclass Archosauria
- Subclass Euryapsida (Synaptosauria)
- Subclass Ichthyopterygia
- Subclass Synapsida
- Class Aves
- Subclass Archaeornithes (Sauriurae)
- Subclass Neornithes
- Class Mammalia
- Subclass Prototheria
- Subclass Allotheria
- Subclass Theria
Nelson (1969)
[править]Nelson, G.J. (1969) Gill arches and the phylogeny of fishes, with notes on the classification of vertebrates. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 141, 475–552.Subphylum Vertebrata
- Superclass Cyclostomata
- Superclass Gnathostomata
- Class Elasmobranchiomorphi
- †Subclass Acanthodii
- Subclass Holocephali
- Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Class Teleostomi
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Infraclass Chondrostei
- Infraclass Neopterygii
- Division Holostei
- Division Teleostei
- Cohort Osteoglossomorpha
- Cohort Clupeomorpha
- Cohort Elopomorpha
- Cohort Euteleostei
- Superorder Protacanthopterygii
- Superorder Ostariophysi
- Superorder Neoteleostei
- Series Atherinomorpha
- Series Myctophiformes
- Series Paracanthopterygii
- Series Acanthopterygii
- Subclass Sarcopterygii
- Infraclass Brachiopterygii
- Infraclass Coelacanthini
- Infraclass Dipnoi
- Infraclass Choanata
- †Division Rhipidistia
- Division Batrachomorpha
- Division Reptilomorpha
- Cohort Sauropsida
- Superorder Chelonia
- Superorder Lepidosauria
- Series Rhynchocephalia
- Series Squamata
- Superorder Archosauria
- Series Crocodilia
- Series Aves
- Cohort Mammalia
- Superorder Prototheria
- Superorder Theria
- Series Metatheria
- Series Eutheria
- Cohort Sauropsida
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Class Elasmobranchiomorphi
Romer & Parsons (1977)
[править]Romer, A.S. & Parsons, T.S. 1977. The Vertebrate Body. 5th ed. Saunders, Philadelphia, [13]
Phylum Chordata
- Subphylum Hemichordata
- Class Pterobranchia
- Class Enteropneusta
- Subphylum Urochordata
- Subphylum Hemichordata
- Subphylum Cephalochordata
- Subphylum Vertebrata
- Class Agnatha
- "Ostracoderms"
- †Order Osteostraci
- †Order Anaspida
- †Order Heterostraci
- †Order Coelolepida
- Order Petromyzontida
- Order Myxinoidea
- "Ostracoderms"
- Class Elasmobranchiomorphi
- †Subclass Placodermi
- Order Arthrodira
- Order Ptyctodontida
- Order Phyllolepida
- Order Petalichthyda
- Order Rhenanida
- Order Antiarchi
- Subclass Chondrichthyes
- Infraclass Elasmobranchii
- †Order Cladoselachii
- †Order Pleuracanthodii
- Order Selachii
- Order Batoidea
- Infraclass Holocephali
- Order Chimaeriformes
- Infraclass Elasmobranchii
- †Subclass Placodermi
- Class Osteichthyes
- Subclass Acanthodii
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Superorder Chondrostei
- Superorder Holostei
- Superorder Teleostei
- Subclass Sarcopterygii (= Choanoichthyes)
- Order Crossopterygii
- †Superorder Rhipidistia
- Superorder Coelacanthiformes
- Order Dipnoi
- Order Crossopterygii
- Class Amphibia
- †Subclass Labyrinthodontia
- Order Ichthyostegalia
- Order Temnospondyli
- Order Anthracosauria
- †Subclass Lepospondyli
- Order Aïstopoda
- Order Nectridea
- Order Microsauria
- Order Lysorophia
- Subclass Lissamphibia
- Order Anura
- Order Urodela
- Order Gymnophiona (= Apoda)
- †Subclass Labyrinthodontia
- Class Reptilia
- Subclass Anapsida
- †Order Cotylosauria
- Order Testudines (= Chelonia or Testudinata)
- Subclass Lepidosauria
- †Order Eosuchia
- Order Rhynchocephalia
- Order Squamata
- Suborder Lacertilia
- Suborder Amphisbaenia
- Suborder Serpentes
- Subclass Archosauria
- †Order Thecodontia
- Order Crocodilia
- †Order Pterosauria
- "Dinosaurs"
- †Order Saurischia
- Suborder Theropoda
- Suborder Sauropodomorpha
- †Order Ornithischia
- Suborder Ornithopoda
- Suborder Stegosauria
- Suborder Ankylosauria
- Suborder Ceratopsia
- †Order Saurischia
- †Subclass Euryapsida (= Parapsida or Synaptosauria)
- Order Araeoscelidia
- Order Sauropterygia
- Order Placodontia
- Order Ichthyosauria
- †Subclass Synapsida
- Order Pelycosauria
- Order Therapsida
- Subclass Anapsida
- Class Aves
- †Subclass Archaeornithes
- Subclass Neornithes
- †Superorder Odontognathae
- Superorder Palaeognathae
- Superorder Neognathae
- Class Mammalia
- Subclass Prototheria
- Infraclass Allotheria
- Order Monotremata
- †Order Multituberculata
- Infraclass Eotheria
- Order Triconodonta
- Order Docodonta
- Infraclass Allotheria
- Subclass Theria
- †Infraclass Patriotheria
- Order Symmetrodonta
- Order Pantotheria
- Infraclass Metatheria
- Order Marsupialia
- Suborder Polyprodonta
- Suborder Peramelida
- Suborder Caenolestoidea
- Suborder Diprotodonta
- Order Marsupialia
- Infraclass Eutheria
- Order Insectivora
- Suborder Proteutheria
- Suborder Macroscelidea
- Suborder Dermoptera
- Suborder Lipotyphia
- Suborder Zalambdodonta
- †Order Tillodontia
- †Order Taenidonta
- Order Chiroptera
- Suborder Megachiroptera
- Suborder Microchiroptera
- Order Primates
- †Suborder Plesiadapoidea
- Suborder Lemuroidea
- Suborder Tarsioidea
- Suborder Platyrrhini
- Suborder Catarrhini
- †Order Creodonta
- Suborder Deltatherida
- Suborder Hyaenodontia
- Order Carnivora
- Suborder Fissipedia
- †Infraorder Miacoidea
- Infraorder Aeluroidea (= Feloidea)
- Infraorder Arctoidea (= Canoidea)
- Suborder Pinnipedia
- Suborder Fissipedia
- †Order Condylarthra
- †Order Pantodonta
- †Order Dinocerata
- †Order Embrithopoda
- †Order Notoungulata
- Suborder Notioprogonia
- Suborder Toxodontia
- Suborder Typotheria
- †Order Xenungulata
- †Order Pyrotheria
- †Order Astrapotheria
- †Order Litopterna
- Order Hyracoidea
- Order Proboscidea
- †Suborder Moeritherioidea
- Suborder Euelephantoidea
- †Suborder Deinotherioidea
- Order Sirenia
- †Order Desmostylia
- Order Perissodactyla
- Suborder Hippomorpha
- †Suborder Ancylopoda
- Suborder Ceratomorpha
- Order Artiodactyla
- †Suborder Palaeodonta
- Suborder Suina
- Suborder Ruminantia
- Order Edentata (= Xenarthra)
- Suborder Pilosa
- †Infraorder Gravigrada
- Infraorder Tardigrada
- Infraorder Vermilingua
- Suborder Loricata
- Suborder Pilosa
- Order Pholidota
- Order Tubulidentata
- Order Cetacea
- †Suborder Archaeoceti
- Suborder Odontoceti
- Suborder Mysticeti
- Order Rodentia
- Suborder Protrogomorpha
- Suborder Sciuromorpha
- Suborder Myomorpha
- Suborder Caviomorpha
- Order Lagomorpha
- Order Insectivora
- †Infraclass Patriotheria
- Subclass Prototheria
- Class Agnatha
Carrol (1987)
[править]Carroll, K.L. (1987). Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution, W.H. Freeman, New York. From Minelli (1993).
- Class Agnatha
- Subclass †Pteraspidomorphi (Diplorhina)
- Subclass Cephalaspidomorpha
- Agnatha incertae sedis
- Order Myxiniformes
- Class †Placodermi
- Class Chondrichthyes
- Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Subclass Holocephali
- Chondrichthyes incertae sedis
- Class incertae sedis †Acanthodii
- Class Osteichthyes
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Infraclass Chondrostei
- Infraclass Neopterygii
- Division Teleostei
- Subdivision Euteleostei
- Division Teleostei
- Subclass Sarcopterygii
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Class Amphibia
- Subclass †Labyrinthodontia
- Amphibia incertae sedis
- Order †Diadectida
- Subclass †Lepospondyli
- Subclass not stated
- Order Urodela
- Order †Proanura
- Order Anura
- Class Reptilia
- Subclass †Anapsida
- Subclass Testudinata
- Subclass Diapsida
- Subclass †Ichthyopterygia
- Subclass †Synapsida
- Class Aves
- Subclass †Archaeornithes
- Subclass Neornithes
- Class Mammalia
- Subclass Prototheria
- Subclass †Allotheria
- Subclass Theria
- Mammaiia incertae sedis
Hennig (1985)
[править]Hennig, W. (1985). Stammesgeschichte der Chordaten. Ztschr. Zool. Syst. Evol.-forsch., Beihefte: Fortschr. Zool. Syst. Evol.-forsch. 2, 1–208. From Minelli (1993).
- [A. Echinodennata]
- B. Chordata
- B.1 Tunicata
- B.11 Ascidiacea
- B.12 Pelagotunicata
- B.12.1 Pyrosomida
- B.12.2 Larvacea
- B.12.3 Cyclomyaria
- B.12.4 Desmomyaria
- B.2 Vertebrata
- B.21 Acrania
- B.22 Craniota
- B.22.1 Agnatha
- B.22.2 Gnathostomata
- B.22.21 Chondrichthyes
- B .22.21.1 Elasmobranchia
- B.22.21.2 Holocephali
- B .22.22 Osteognathostomata
- B.22.22.1 Actinopterygii s. l.
- B.22.22.1.C.1 Brachyopterygii
- B.22.22.1.C.2 Actinopterygii s. str.
- B.22.22.1.C.21 Palaeopterygii
- B.22.22.1.C.22 Neopterygii
- B.22.22.1.C.22.1 Rhomboganoidea
- B.22.22.1.C.22.2 Teleostei s. l.
- B.22.22.1.C.22.2.D.1 Cyc1oganoidea
- B.22.22.1.C.22.2.D.2 Teleostei s. str.
- B.22.22.2 Choanatae
- B.22.22.21 Dipnoi
- B.22.22.22 Kinocrania
- B. Coelacanthi
- B. Tetrapoda
- B. Amphibia
- B. Gymnophiona
- B. Caudata
- B. Salientia (Anura)
- B. Amniota
- B. Lepidosauria
- B. Rhynchocephalia
- B. Squamata
- B. Testudines
- B. Pleurodira
- B. Cryptodira
- B. Archosauromorpha
- B. Crocodilia
- B. Aves
- B. Mammalia
- B. Prototheria
- B. Theria
- B. Eutheria (Placentalia)
Carroll (1987)
[править]Carroll, K.L. (1987). Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution, W.H. Freeman, New York. From Minelli (1993).
- Class Agnatha
- Subclass †Pteraspidomorphi (Diplorhina)
- Subclass Cephalaspidomorpha
- Agnatha incertae sedis
- Order Myxiniformes
- Class †Placodermi
- Class Chondrichthyes
- Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Subclass Holocephali
- Chondrichthyes incertae sedis
- Class incertae sedis †Acanthodii
- Class Osteichthyes
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Infraclass Chondrostei
- Infraclass Neopterygii
- Division Teleostei
- Subdivision Euteleostei
- Division Teleostei
- Subclass Sarcopterygii
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Class Amphibia
- Subclass †Labyrinthodontia
- Amphibia incertae sedis
- Order †Diadectida
- Subclass †Lepospondyli
- Subclass not stated
- Order Urodela
- Order †Proanura
- Order Anura
- Class Reptilia
- Subclass †Anapsida
- Subclass Testudinata
- Subclass Diapsida
- Subclass †Ichthyopterygia
- Subclass †Synapsida
- Class Aves
- Subclass †Archaeornithes
- Subclass Neornithes
- Class Mammalia
- Subclass Prototheria
- Subclass †Allotheria
- Subclass Theria
- Mammaiia incertae sedis
Cavalier-Smith (1998)
[править]A revised six-kingdom system of life, PDF.
- Kingdom 2. Animalia Linnaeus 1758 em. Cavalier-Smith 1995 (= Metazoa Haeckel 1874)
- Subkingdom 3. Bilateria Hatschek 1888 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1983 [probably paraphyletic]
- Branch 2. Deuterostomia Grobben 1908
- Infrakingdom 2. Chordonia Haeckel 1874 em. Hatschek 1888 stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Urochorda Lankester 1877
- Phylum 2. Chordata Bateson 1885 em.
- Subphylum 1. Acraniata Bleeker 1859 [probably paraphyletic]
- Subphylum 2. Vertebrata Cuvier 1812 (= Craniota Haeckel, Craniata auct.)
- Infrakingdom 2. Chordonia Haeckel 1874 em. Hatschek 1888 stat. nov.
- Branch 2. Deuterostomia Grobben 1908
- Subkingdom 3. Bilateria Hatschek 1888 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1983 [probably paraphyletic]
Benton (2004)
[править]Vertebrate Palaeontology, 3rd ed, [14].
Phylum Chordata
- Subphylum Tunicata (Urochordata)
- Subphylum Cephalochordata (Acraniata)
- Subphylum Vertebrata (Craniata)
- Class 'Agnatha' (paraphyletic)
- Subclass Myxinoidea
- Subclass Petromyzontida
- †Subclass Conodonta
- †Subclass Pteraspidomorphi
- †Order Anaspida
- †Order Thelodonti
- Subclass unnamed
- Infraphylum Gnathostomata
- †Class Placodermi
- Class Chondrichthyes
- †Class Acanthodii
- Class Osteichthyes
- †Psarolepis
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Subclass Sarcopterygii (incl. Superclass Tetrapoda)
- Class 'Agnatha' (paraphyletic)
Pough et al. (2006)
[править]From The vertebrate life, 6th ed.
[extant vertebrates, fig. 1.4:]
- Chordata
[fig 3.3:]
- Chordata
- Urochordata (Tunicata)
- Cephalochordata
- Vertebrata s.l. (Craniata)
- Myxinoidea
- Vertebrata s.s.
- Petromyzontidea
- Conodontia†
- Unnamed clade (= "ostracoderms"†, excluding Gnathostomata)
- Pteraspida†
- Myopterygii (= "cephalaspids"†, excluding Gnathostomata)
Kardong (2015)
[править]Kardong, K. (2015). Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution. 7th edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Subphylum Vertebrata (Craniata)
- Superclass Agnatha
- Class Myxini
- Class Petromyzontiformes
- Class Conodonta
- Class Pteraspidomorphi
- Class Cephalaspidomorpha
- Superclass Gnathostomata
- Class Placodermi
- Class Chondrichthyes
- Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Subclass Holocephali
- Class Acanthodii
- Class Osteichthyes
- Subclass Actinopterygii
- Subclass Sarcopterygii
- Class Labyrinthodontia
- Class Lissamphibia
- Class Lepospondyli
- Class Reptilia
- Subclass Mesosauria
- Subclass Parareptilia
- Subclass Eureptilia
- Order Araeoscelida
- Order Captorhinomorpha
- Infraclass Ichthyopterygia
- Infraclass Lepidosauromorpha
- Infraclass Archosauromorpha
- Class Aves
- Subclass Sauriurae
- Infraclass Archaeornithes
- Infraclass Enantiornithes
- Subclass Ornithurae
- Infraclass Odontornithes
- Infraclass Neornithes
- Subclass Sauriurae
- Class Synapsida
- Order Pelycosauria
- Order Therapsida
- Class Mammalia
- Subclass Prototheria
- Subclass Theria
- Infraclass Symmetrodonta
- Infraclass Metatheria
- Infraclass Eutheria
Tedersoo (2017)
[править]Tedersoo, L. (2017). Proposal for practical multi-kingdom classification of eukaryotes based on monophyly and comparable divergence time criteria. BioRxiv, 240929.
Phylum Craniata
- Subphylum Vertebrata
- Class Actinopteri
- Class Amphibia
- Class Aves
- Class Ceratodontimorpha
- Class Chondrichthyes
- Class Cladistia
- Class Crocodylea
- Class Cyclostomata
- Class Mammalia
- Class Sphenodontea
- Class Squamatea
- Class Testudinea
- Class unspecified
[править]- Nielsen, C. 2012. The authorship of higher chordate taxa. Zoologica Scripta 41(4): 435–436. DOI: 10.1111/j.1463-6409.2012.00536.x .