I am a Lecturer in Economics at the Department of Economics, King's Business School, King's College London. I am also an academic supervisor at the Institute of Finance and Technology, University College of London, and a chief examiner for the University of London International Programme (Econometrics). Before joining King's, I lectured and conducted research at the London School of Economics as an LSE Fellow in Economics, and at the University of Warwick as a postdoctoral fellow (in Economics). I completed my PhD in Economics at the University of Nottingham in 2018.
I use both theory and data to answer questions at the intersection of economics and public policies. My research interests include Development Economics, Public Economics, and Applied Econometrics. My current research focuses on the economics of nonprofit organisations, financial data, public good provision (housing, security, preferential tax treatment, and public procurement), and innovation.
I have lectured courses in econometrics and macroeconomics at King's, LSE, and Warwick, and led seminars (tutorials) in various courses at Nottingham.
From March 2023, I am the GTA Lead at King's Business School. I am affiliated with the King's Institute for Artificial Intelligence since September 2023.
Contact: canh.dang@kcl.ac.uk (main email address), c.t.dang@lse.ac.uk (LSE and UoL related), and c.dang@ucl.ac.uk (UCL related).
Office Hours: Room N3.18, Bush House, Strand Campus, 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG
Does transparency come at the cost of main services? Evidence from studying British nonprofits' financial data, (with Trudy Owens), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 172, April 2020, Pages 314-343. [Slides] Download (pdf)
Media Coverage: LSE Research For The WorldBetter performing NGOs do report more accurately: Evidence from investigating Ugandan NGO financial accounts, (with Ronelle Burger and Trudy Owens), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 69:2, 2021, pages 789-828 [Slides] Download (pdf)
Non-governmental organizations’ motivation to diversify: self-interest or operation-related? Evidence from Uganda, with Trudy Owens, Volume 76, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 561–584, Oxford Economic Papers. Online Appendix (full models and other empirics) Online Publication
Media Coverage: Interview with FacultiExploring the effectiveness and equity of English-medium instruction on self-efficacy development: A pre-post study of business students in Vietnam, with An Nguyen, 2024, Journal of Education for Business. (Open Access)
Distinguishing Fact from Fiction: Student Traits, Attitudes, and AI Hallucination Detection in Business School Assessment, with An Nguyen, 2024, (R&R)
Econometrics and Machine Learning in Business and Economics Education: Facts and a Guideline on Teaching Practices, 2024, Journal for Economic Educators. (Accepted)
Student engagement: A catalyst for academic integrity, University World News, 04/2024
Are we prepared for the looming shadow of AI hallucination?, The Innovation Platform Issue 19, 2024
King's College London, King's Business School (2022 - )
Introduction to Econometrics (BScY1, Term 1, 2022-2024), Applied Econometrics (BScY3, Term 1, 2023 - , tutorials)
Intermediate Econometrics (BScY2, Term 2, 2022 - ), Principles of Economics (Macro) (BScY1, Term 2, 2023 - )
Visiting Lecturer, Statistics for Economists (Spring, 2022)
Supervisor, MSc Economics and Finance (2 projects, 2023)
London School of Economics
EC220/221 Introduction to Econometrics/Principles of Econometrics (Michaelmas Term) (2019 - 2022)
SSEC102 (Summer School) Introduction to Macroeconomics (2020 - 2022)
Chief Examiner, EC2020 Elements of Econometrics, University of London (2022 - , Deputy from 2020 - 2022)
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London (2022 - )
Visiting Lecturer, Academic Supervisor to 06 (2022), 07 (2023) projects (MSc), Institute of Finance and Technology
Department of Economics, University of Warwick (2018 - 2019)
Lecturer, EC339 Applied Macroeconomics
Lecturer, PH229 Interdisciplinary Topics (PPE course)
Supervisor, 12 BSc and 06 MSc dissertation projects
School of Economics, University of Nottingham (2016 - 2018)
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Microeconomics, Autumn 2016 - 2018; Macroeconomic Theory, Autumn 2017 - 2018; Mathematical Economics, Autumn 2016 - 2017; Foundations of Macroeconomics, Spring 2016 - 2017
Online course: MOOC The Politics of Economics and the Economics of Politicians, 2016 - 2018 (the course has been nominated for the Online Educational Resource Award by the British Universities Film and Video Council in 2018)
King's Business School Dean's Award: Early Career Educator of the Year, 2023
Nominated for two King's Business School Dean's Awards, (Outstanding Contribution to Education; and Team of the Year), 2024
Nominated for a King's Education Awards, 2023 - nomination quotes; 2024 - nomination quotes.
Winner of the Naming and Tagline Competitions for the New Education Centre Initiative, KBS, KCL, 2023 (Entry: iLEAD - Centre for Innovation, Learning, Education And Development).
LSESU Nomination for a Teaching Award (Inspirational Teaching and Excellent Communications and Feedback): 2021 and 2022
LSE Excellence in Education Awards, 2020, 2021
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (from September 2019, Reference number: PR173871)