Wilkie Collins
William Wilkie Collins (8.1. 1824 – 23.9. 1889) bio je engleski pisac. Bio je jedan od najpopularnijih pisaca svog vremena, te autor 27 roman, više od 50 pripovjedaka, najmanje 15 drama i preko 100 članaka i eseja. Njegova najpoznatija djela su The Woman in White, The Moonstone, Armadale i No Name.
Njegova najpoznatija djela pripadaju viktorijanskom žanru senzacionalnih romana, preteči današnjih detektivskih, odnosno kriminalističkih romana.
- Memoirs of the Life of William Collins, Esq., R.A. (1848)
- Antonina (1850)
- Rambles Beyond Railways (1851)
- Basil (1852)
- Mr Wray's Cash Box (1852)
- Hide and Seek (1854)
- The Ostler (1855)
- After the Dark (1856)
- The Dead Secret (1857)
- The Frozen Deep (1857), drama čiji je ko-autor Charles Dickens
- A House to Let (1858), pripovjetka čiji su ko-autori Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell i Adelaide Anne Procter
- The Queen of Hearts (1859)
- The Woman in White (1860)
- No Name (1862)
- My Miscellanies (1863)
- Armadale (1866)
- No Thoroughfare (1867), priča i drama čiji je ko-autor Charles Dickens
- The Moonstone (1868)
- Man and Wife (1870)
- Poor Miss Finch (1872)
- Miss or Mrs? (1873)
- The New Magdalen (1873)
- The Law and the Lady (1875)
- The Two Destinies (1876)
- The Haunted Hotel (1878)
- The Fallen Leaves (1879)
- A Rogue's Life (1879)
- My Lady's Money (1879)
- Jezebel's Daughter (1880)
- The Black Robe (1881)
- Heart and Science (1883)
- I Say No (1884)
- The Ghost's Touch and Other Stories (1885)
- The Evil Genius (1886)
- The Guilty River (1886)
- Little Novels (1887)
- The Legacy of Cain (1889)
- Blind Love (1889 - nedovršen. dovršio Walter Besant)
- Iolani, or Tahiti as it was. A Romance (1999)