We Shall Overcome

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We Shall Overcome je protestna pjesma, poznata kao neslužbena himna američkog pokreta za građanska prava 1960-ih. Nastala je od refrena gospel pjesme Charlesa Alberta Tindleya. Prvi put se pojavila godine 1947. u školi Highlander Folk School gdje ju je tamošnji muzički direktor Zilphia Horton uvela u službeni repertoar. Iste je godine objavljena u biltenu organizacije People's Songs čiji je vođa bio znameniti folk muzičar i ljevičarski aktivist Pete Seeger. Godine 1959. ju je na skupovima pokreta za prava crnaca počeo izvoditi Guy Carawan, a široj javnosti ju je popularizala Joan Baez sa svojom verzijom izvedenom na Woodstocku 1969.

Pjesmu su osim u SAD pjevali i borci protiv apartheida u Južnoj Africi, borci za prava katolika u Sjevernoj Irskoj i antikomunistički demonstranti za vrijeme baršunaste revolucije u Čehoslovačkoj. U Indiji se također često izvodi verzija na hindiju poznata kao Hum Honge Kamyaab.


  • Sing for Freedom: The Story of the Civil Rights Movement Through Its Songs: Compiled and edited by Guy and Candie Carawan; foreword by Julian Bond (New South Books, 2007), comprising two classic collections of freedom songs: We Shall Overcome (1963) and Freedom Is A Constant Struggle (1968), reprinted in a single edition. The book includes a major new introduction by Guy and Candie Carawan, words and music to the songs, important documentary photographs, and firsthand accounts by participants in the Civil Rights Movement. Available from Highlander Center Arhivirano 2007-06-19 na Archive.is-u.
  • We Shall Overcome! Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement: Julius Lester, editorial assistant. Ethel Raim, music editor: Additional musical transcriptions: Joseph Byrd [and] Guy Carawan. New York: Oak Publications, 1963.
  • Freedom is a Constant Struggle, compiled and edited by Guy and Candie Carawan. Oak Publications, 1968.
  • Alexander Tsesis, We Shall Overcome: A History of Civil Rights and the Law. Yale University Press, 2008.[1]
  • We Shall Overcome: A Song that Changed the World, by Stuart Stotts, illustrated by Terrance Cummings, foreword by Pete Seeger. New York: Clarion Books, 2010. [2]