Profils utilisateurs correspondant à "Peter Nijkamp"
Peter NijkampProfessor of Economics, VU University, Amsterdam Adresse e-mail validée de Cité 80830 fois |
Smart cities in the innovation age
K Kourtit, P Nijkamp - Innovation: The European Journal of Social …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Smart cities have become a landmark in urban planning. They are the result of knowledge-intensive
and creative strategies aiming at enhancing the socio-economic, ecological, logistic …
and creative strategies aiming at enhancing the socio-economic, ecological, logistic …
[LIVRE][B] Multicriteria evaluation in physical planning
P Nijkamp, P Rietveld, H Voogd - 2013 -
The aim of this book on the use of multiple criteria analysis in physical planning is to
synthesize most of the relevant work in this field. Its first objective is to provide a concise and …
synthesize most of the relevant work in this field. Its first objective is to provide a concise and …
Entrepreneurship in a modern network economy
P Nijkamp - Regional studies, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
NIJKAMP P.(2003) Entrepreneurship in a modern network economy, Reg. Studies 37, 395–405.
In this survey paper the literature on entrepreneurship is summarized from the …
In this survey paper the literature on entrepreneurship is summarized from the …
[HTML][HTML] A systemic framework for sustainability assessment
Sustainability assessment (SA) is a complex appraisal method. It is conducted for supporting
decision-making and policy in a broad environmental, economic and social context, and …
decision-making and policy in a broad environmental, economic and social context, and …
[LIVRE][B] Handbook of regional growth and development theories: revised and extended second edition
Regional economics–an established discipline for several decades–has undergone a period
of rapid change in the last ten years resulting in the emergence of several new perspectives…
of rapid change in the last ten years resulting in the emergence of several new perspectives…
Meta-analysis of the effect of fiscal policies on long-run growth
The issue of whether the public sector enhances or retards long-run economic growth has
been debated passionately in recent years. We use meta-analysis to shed light on the issue. A …
been debated passionately in recent years. We use meta-analysis to shed light on the issue. A …
Price and income elasticities of residential water demand: a meta-analysis
This article presents a meta-analysis of variations in price and income elasticities of residential
water demand. Meta-analysis constitutes an adequate tool to synthesize research results …
water demand. Meta-analysis constitutes an adequate tool to synthesize research results …
Smart cities in Europe
Urban performance currently depends not only on a city's endowment of hard infrastructure (physical
capital), but also, and increasingly so, on the availability and quality of knowledge …
capital), but also, and increasingly so, on the availability and quality of knowledge …
[LIVRE][B] Sustainable cities in Europe
Although urbanization steadily increases, many modern cities are finding the accommodation
of their populations an increasingly difficult task. Planners and policy-makers battling to …
of their populations an increasingly difficult task. Planners and policy-makers battling to …
Towards sustainable city policy: an economy-environment technology nexus
Environmental problems have become a worldwide concern for economists, as is witnessed
by the development of many theories and policies aimed at driving the economy towards a `…
by the development of many theories and policies aimed at driving the economy towards a `…