Profils utilisateurs correspondant à "Julie Soleil Archambault"
Julie Soleil ArchambaultAssociate professor of anthropology, Concordia University Adresse e-mail validée de Cité 974 fois |
La fièvre des téléphones portables: un chapitre de la “success story” mozambicaine?
JS Archambault, NM Ngaméni - Politique africaine, 2010 -
Je remercie le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), le
Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (Orsas) ainsi que le Central Research Fund (…
Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (Orsas) ainsi que le Central Research Fund (…
[LIVRE][B] Mobile Secrets: youth, intimacy, and the politics of pretense in Mozambique
JS Archambault - 2019 -
… With Mobile Secrets, Julie Soleil Archambault offers a complete rethinking of how we … By
engaging with young adults in a Mozambique suburb, Archambault shows how, in their efforts to …
engaging with young adults in a Mozambique suburb, Archambault shows how, in their efforts to …
Taking love seriously in human-plant relations in Mozambique: Toward an anthropology of affective encounters
JS Archambault - Cultural Anthropology, 2016 -
Behind some of the tall fences that compartmentalize domestic space in Inhambane hide
luxurious gardens that are usually under the care of an individual who answers requests for …
luxurious gardens that are usually under the care of an individual who answers requests for …
Breaking up 'because of the phone'and the transformative potential of information in Southern Mozambique
J Soleil Archambault - New media & society, 2011 -
In Southern Mozambique, most people have a story about themselves or a couple they know
who split up ‘because of the phone’ (por causa do telefone). Although some stories are …
who split up ‘because of the phone’ (por causa do telefone). Although some stories are …
Cruising through uncertainty: Cell phones and the politics of display and disguise in Inhambane, Mozambique
JS Archambault - American Ethnologist, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Cell phones play a conspicuous role in the way young people in Inhambane, Mozambique,
juggle visibility and invisibility in their everyday lives. By opening up new social spaces …
juggle visibility and invisibility in their everyday lives. By opening up new social spaces …
'Travelling while sitting down': Mobile phones, mobility and the communication landscape in Inhambane, Mozambique
JS Archambault - Africa, 2012 -
This article examines the ways in which young men in the city of Inhambane, southern
Mozambique, harness communication to express and address experiences of constrained …
Mozambique, harness communication to express and address experiences of constrained …
Concrete Times
JS Archambault - Annual Review of Anthropology, 2024 -
Our existence has become so entangled with concrete that it would be difficult to imagine
life without it, though we probably should. Anthropologists recognize the part that concrete …
life without it, though we probably should. Anthropologists recognize the part that concrete …
'One beer, one block': concrete aspiration and the stuff of transformation in a Mozambican suburb
JS Archambault - Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
As the world's most used material, after water, cement is particularly good to think with. And
as I show below, it may also be good to ‘become with’, especially across the Global South, …
as I show below, it may also be good to ‘become with’, especially across the Global South, …
Rêves de béton et ontologies relationnelles dans une banlieue mozambicaine (note de recherche)
JS Archambault - Anthropologie et Sociétés, 2020 -
Cette note de recherche se penche sur les expériences sensorielles de jeunes Mozambicains
tandis qu’ils négocient la relation entre bâtir et habiter. J’estime que ces expériences sont …
tandis qu’ils négocient la relation entre bâtir et habiter. J’estime que ces expériences sont …
Concrete violence, indifference and future-making in Mozambique
JS Archambault - Critique of Anthropology, 2021 -
In the Mozambican suburb of Inhapossa, piles of fresh concrete blocks vividly convey a sense
of the momentous transformation under way in a place where building is now described as …
of the momentous transformation under way in a place where building is now described as …