Small data challenges in big data era: A survey of recent progress on unsupervised and semi-supervised methods

GJ Qi, J Luo - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and …, 2020 -
Qi, “Loss-sensitive generative adversarial networks on lipschitz densities,” 2017, arXiv: …
Qi, “Generalized loss-sensitive adversarial learning with manifold margins,” in Proc. Eur. …

The thermodynamic and cost-benefit-analysis of miniaturized lead-cooled fast reactor with supercritical CO2 power cycle in the commercial market

MJ Li, YJ Jie, HH Zhu, GJ Qi, MJ Li - Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
The lead is considered as a more attractive material of coolant than lead/bismuth because
of higher availability, lower price and fast neutron spectrum in recent years. In this paper, the …

PCA‐based land‐use change detection and analysis using multitemporal and multisensor satellite data

JS Deng, K Wang, YH Deng, GJ Qi - International Journal of …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Remote‐sensing change detection based on multitemporal, multispectral, and multisensor
imagery has been developed over several decades and provided timely and comprehensive …

Pc-darts: Partial channel connections for memory-efficient architecture search

Y Xu, L Xie, X Zhang, X Chen, GJ Qi, Q Tian… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2019 -
Qi Tian is the corresponding author. … Xin Chen, Lingxi Xie, Jun Wu, and Qi Tian. Progressive
differentiable architecture search: Bridging the depth gap between search and evaluation. In …

Heterogeneous network embedding via deep architectures

S Chang, W Han, J Tang, GJ Qi, CC Aggarwal… - Proceedings of the 21th …, 2015 -
Data embedding is used in many machine learning applications to create low-dimensional
feature representations, which preserves the structure of data points in their original space. In …

Correlative multi-label video annotation

GJ Qi, XS Hua, Y Rui, J Tang, T Mei… - Proceedings of the 15th …, 2007 -
Automatically annotating concepts for video is a key to semantic-level video browsing,
search and navigation. The research on this topic evolved through two paradigms. The first …

Differential recurrent neural networks for action recognition

V Veeriah, N Zhuang, GJ Qi - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2015 -
Qi. Deep learning architecture with dynamically programmed layers for brain connectome
prediction. In Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …

Task agnostic meta-learning for few-shot learning

MA Jamal, GJ Qi - Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference …, 2019 -
Meta-learning approaches have been proposed to tackle the few-shot learning problem.
Typically, a meta-learner is trained on a variety of tasks in the hopes of being generalizable to …

Unified video annotation via multigraph learning

…, XS Hua, R Hong, J Tang, GJ Qi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2009 -
Qi was the winner of the Best Paper Award at the 15th ACM International Conference on
Multimedia, Augsburg, Germany, 2007. He is a Student Member of the Association for …

Stock price prediction via discovering multi-frequency trading patterns

L Zhang, C Aggarwal, GJ Qi - Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD …, 2017 -
Stock prices are formed based on short and/or long-term commercial and trading activities
that reflect different frequencies of trading patterns. However, these patterns are often elusive …