Two flow network simplification algorithms

E Misiołek, DZ Chen - Information Processing Letters, 2006 - Elsevier
Flow network simplification can reduce the size of the flow network and hence the amount of
computation performed by flow algorithms. We present the first linear time algorithm for the …

Stabbing convex polygons with a segment or a polygon

PK Agarwal, DZ Chen, SK Ganjugunte… - European Symposium …, 2008 - Springer
Let $\mathcal{O} = \{O_1, \ldots, O_m\}$ be a set of m convex polygons in ℝ 2 with a total of
n vertices, and let B be another convex k-gon. A placement of B, any congruent copy of B (…

Turystyka biegowa w Polsce według opinii uczestników biegów masowych

L Korzewa, E Misiołek, A Skarbowska - Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii …, 2014 -
Background. Running tourism began to develop along with a growing popularity of running
as a form of recreation. The aim of this study was to define the concept of running tourism …

Shape rectangularization problems in intensity-modulated radiation therapy

DZ Chen, XS Hu, S Luan, E Misiołek… - … Symposium on Algorithms …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper, we present a theoretical study of several geometric shape approximation
problems, called shape rectangularization (SR), which arise in intensity-modulated radiation …

Algorithms for interval structures with applications

DZ Chen, E Misiołek - Theoretical Computer Science, 2013 - Elsevier
We present new algorithms for two problems on interval structures that arise in computer-aided
manufacturing and in other areas. We give an O ( K n ) time algorithm for the single-…

Free-form surface partition in 3-D

DZ Chen, E Misiołek - International Journal of Computational …, 2011 - World Scientific
We present a theoretical study of a problem related to optimal free-form surface partitioning,
which arises in surface machining in manufacturing. In particular, we consider partitioning a …

Efficient algorithms for simplifying flow networks

E Misiołek, DZ Chen - International Computing and Combinatorics …, 2005 - Springer
Computing flows in a network is a fundamental graph theory problem with numerous
applications. In this paper, we present two algorithms for simplifying a flow network G=(V,E), ie, …

Ocena motorycznych zdolności kondycyjnych i koordynacyjnych dziesięcioletnich dzieci w ramach doboru do szkolenia sportowego

A Haleczko, R Jezierski, L Korzewa, E Misiołek… - Journal of Kinesiology …, 2009 -
[b]Wstęp[/b]. W listopadzie 2007 r. kierownictwo Młodzieżowego Centrum Sportu we
Wrocławiu zwróciło się do dra Adama Haleczki i dra Ryszarda Jezierskiego, emerytowanych …

New formula for the selection of the best competitor in the bench press

A Haleczko, L Korzewa, E Misiołek - Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise …, 2016 -
Introduction. This paper constitutes a continuation of research on score equalization in the
bench press, and of the studies on athletes with disabilities conducted several years ago. In …

Sprawność umysłowa i poziom zdolności motorycznych 11-letnich dzieci

A Haleczko, R Jezierski, L Korzewa, E Misiołek… - Journal of Kinesiology …, 2010 -
[b]Cel.[/b] Mając na względzie skuteczność doboru dzieci do szkolenia sportowego za cel
pracy przyjęto poszukiwanie prób motorycznych łączących elementy sprawności umysłowej …