Polarized electric field-induced drift of spiral waves in discontinuous cardiac media

Y Hu, Q Ding, Y Wu, Y Jia - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023 - Elsevier
… can induce the linear drift of PS. (3) Interestingly, the drift of the spiral wave in a predictable
… field as well as the initial phase of the spiral wave. We discuss the effect of electric fields on …

Drift of spiral waves controlled by a polarized electric field

JX Chen, H Zhang, YQ Li - The Journal of chemical physics, 2006 - pubs.aip.org
… The drift behavior of spiral waves under the influence … spiral waves possess rotation symmetry.
Numerical simulations of a reaction-diffusion model show that the drift velocity of the spiral

[HTML][HTML] Drift of spiral waves

VN Biktashev - Scholarpedia, 2007 - scholarpedia.org
… Some people consider in the same class the "induced drift" (we shall call it "high frequency
induced drift" here) of a spiral wave in excitable media which is observed when the spiral wave …

Anomalous drift of spiral waves in heterogeneous excitable media

S Sridhar, S Sinha, AV Panfilov - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2010 - APS
… We study the drift of spiral waves in … drift of spiral waves toward regions having shorter
period or stronger coupling, in reaction-diffusion models of excitable media. Such anomalous drift

Drift of spiral waves in excitable media

I Aranson, D Kessler, I Mitkov - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1995 - Elsevier
… we consider the drift of a spiral tip slightly displaced from the center of a circular domain. In
Section 4 we study some generalizations of our results to more general boundaries. Section 5 …

A computer simulation study of anatomy induced drift of spiral waves in the human atrium

SR Kharche, IV Biktasheva, G Seemann… - BioMed research …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Spiral waves drifted from thicker to thinner regions and along ridge-like … of drift of spiral
waves. PM bridges cause breakthrough patterns and induce transient anchoring of spiral waves. …

Forced parallel drift of spiral waves in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

B Schmidt, SC Müller - Physical Review E, 1997 - APS
drift of two spiral waves under … spiral waves in a symmetric arrangement is not only interesting
in itself, but it can furthermore give insight into the problem of the behavior of spiral waves

Spiral wave drift under optical feedback in cardiac tissue

YX Xia, XP Zhi, TC Li, JT Pan, AV Panfilov, H Zhang - Physical Review E, 2022 - APS
… We also show that such drift can eliminate spiral waves by their collisions … spiral waves.
Overall we propose a type of feedback procedure that can induce the linear drift of spiral waves

[PDF][PDF] Drift of spiral waves on nonuniformly curved surfaces

AY Abramychev, VA Davydov, VS Zykov - J. Exp. Theor. Phys, 1990 -
drift of a spiral wave in this case we can neglect the velocity of advance C compared with the
velocity of normal motion V. This significantly simplifies the final formulas for the drift … the drift

Drift and breakup of spiral waves in reaction–diffusion–mechanics systems

AV Panfilov, RH Keldermann… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 - National Acad Sciences
… on spiral wave dynamics. We show that deformation can induce the breakup of spiral waves
… We also show that mechanics leads to spiral wave drift throughout the medium approaching …