Decidability of properties of timed-arc Petri nets

DF Escrig, VV Ruiz, OM Alonso - Application and Theory of Petri Nets …, 2000 - Springer
Timed-arc Petri nets (TAPN’s) are not Turing powerful, because, in particular, they cannot
simulate a counter with zero testing. Thus, we could think that this model does not increase …

Extending the Petri box calculus with time

OM Alonso, DF de Escrig - … Conference on Application and Theory of Petri …, 2001 - Springer
PBC (Petri Box Calculus) is a process algebra where real parallelism of concurrent systems
can be naturally expressed. One of its main features is the definition of a denotational …

Mobile Synchronizing Petri Nets: a choreographic approach for coordination in Ubiquitous Systems

F Rosa-Velardo, O Marroquín-Alonso… - Electronic Notes in …, 2006 - Elsevier
The term Ubiquitous Computing was coined by Mark Weiser almost two decades ago. Despite
all the time that has passed since Weiser's vision, ubiquitous computing still has a long …

On the expressiveness of mobile synchronizing Petri nets

…, D de Frutos-Escrig, O Marroquín-Alonso - Electronic Notes in …, 2007 - Elsevier
In recent papers we have introduced Mobile Synchronizing Petri Nets, a new model for
mobility based on coloured Petri Nets. It allows the description of systems composed of a …

Ubiquitous systems and Petri nets

D de Frutos Escrig, OM Alonso, FR Velardo - International Conference on …, 2005 - Springer
Several years before the popularization of the Internet, Mark Weiser proposed the concept of
ubiquitous computing with the purpose of enhancing the use of computers by making many …

Ejercicios creativos y recreativos en Python para primeros cursos de grado

…, L Fernando Llana Díaz, O Marroquín Alonso… - 2023 -
Actualmente, Python es uno de los lenguajes de programación más populares y con mayor
demanda en el mercado laboral. Su facilidad de aprendizaje y uso, así como el soporte …

Replicated ubiquitous nets

…, D de Frutos-Escrig, O Marroquín-Alonso - … Science and Its …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper we extend our basic model of Ubiquitous Nets, by adding a replication operator
that creates new copies of the net firing the replicating transition. We prove that the location …

Tpbc: un cálculo sobre redes de Petri con tiempo

En el trabajo se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de una extensión con tiempo de PBC (Petri
Box Calculus), que es un modelo formal de especificación de sistemas concurrentes en el …

Ambient Petri Nets

D de Frutos Escrig, OM Alonso - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer …, 2003 - Elsevier
Both the Ambient Calculus by L. Cardelli and the Elementary Object Systems by R. Valk
model the behaviour of mobile systems. The Ambient Calculus is based on the concept of …

Platyhelminthes are [re] constructed recursively

…, M Hidalgo-Herrero, O Marroquín-Alonso - International Conference …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper we propose a progressive technique for teaching recursion with the aim of
making easier the understanding of this concept by students of other areas than computer …