The role of impulsive behavior in drug abuse

JL Perry, ME Carroll - Psychopharmacology, 2008 - Springer
Background Impulsivity is a multifaceted construct that has recently been recognized as a
factor contributing to enhanced vulnerability to drug abuse. Objectives In the present review, …

Sex differences in the acquisition of intravenously self-administered cocaine and heroin in rats

WJ Lynch, ME Carroll - Psychopharmacology, 1999 - Springer
Rationale: Despite numerous reports that male and female animals differ in behavioral
responses to drugs, few studies have investigated sex differences in drug-reinforced behavior. …

Biological basis of sex differences in drug abuse: preclinical and clinical studies

WJ Lynch, ME Roth, ME Carroll - Psychopharmacology, 2002 - Springer
The recent focus on drug abuse in women has brought attention to numerous differences
between women and men. In this review, we discuss both preclinical and clinical findings of …

Impulsivity (delay discounting) as a predictor of acquisition of IV cocaine self-administration in female rats

…, EB Larson, JP German, GJ Madden, ME Carroll - …, 2005 - Springer
… and Lac 1993) that has previously been used to quantify the rate of acquisition of IV drug
self-administration (Carroll and Lac 1993; Lynch and Carroll 1999; Campbell and Carroll 2000) …

Sex and estrogen influence drug abuse

ME Carroll, WJ Lynch, ME Roth, AD Morgan… - Trends in …, 2004 -
Evidence is accumulating that the etiology, epidemiology, consequences and mechanisms
that underlie drug abuse are different in males and females. In this review, we present …

Recruitment in small firms: Processes, methods and problems

M Carroll, M Marchington, J Earnshaw, S Taylor - Employee relations, 1999 -
The article summarises findings from recent case study research into recruitment in small
firms. The research aims to ascertain whether small firms follow the procedures outlined in the …

Females are more vulnerable to drug abuse than males: evidence from preclinical studies and the role of ovarian hormones

JJ Anker, ME Carroll - Biological basis of sex differences in …, 2011 - Springer
Human and animal research indicates the presence of sex differences in drug abuse. These
data suggest that females, compared to males, are more vulnerable to key phases of the …

Deconstructing relative reinforcing efficacy and situating the measures of pharmacological reinforcement with behavioral economics: a theoretical proposal

WK Bickel, LA Marsch, ME Carroll - Psychopharmacology, 2000 - Springer
Background: Relative reinforcing efficacy has been assumed to be a homogeneous
phenomenon referring to the behavior-strengthening or behavior-maintaining effects of a drug …

Food deprivation increases oral and intravenous drug intake in rats

ME Carroll, CP France, RA Meisch - Science, 1979 -
Rats given continuous access to etonitazene hydrochloride in their drinking water (5 micrograms
per milliliter) more than doubled their drug intake while deprived of food. Another group …

Wheel-running attenuates intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats: sex differences

KP Cosgrove, RG Hunter, ME Carroll - Pharmacology Biochemistry and …, 2002 - Elsevier
This experiment examines the effect of access to a running-wheel on intravenous cocaine
self-administration in male and female rats. Rats maintained at 85% of their free-feeding body …