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Johnnatan Messias
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Quantifying search bias: Investigating sources of bias for political searches in social media
J Kulshrestha, M Eslami, J Messias, MB Zafar, S Ghosh, KP Gummadi, ...
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 417-432, 2017
(Mis)Information Dissemination in WhatsApp: Gathering, Analyzing and Countermeasures
G Resende, P Melo, H Sousa, J Messias, M Vasconcelos, J Almeida, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web, 2019
You followed my bot! Transforming robots into influential users in Twitter.
J Messias, L Schmidt, R Oliveira, F Benevenuto
First Monday 18 (7), 2013
On microtargeting socially divisive ads: A case study of russia-linked ad campaigns on facebook
FN Ribeiro, K Saha, M Babaei, L Henrique, J Messias, F Benevenuto, ...
Proceedings of the conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency …, 2019
Search bias quantification: investigating political bias in social media and web search
J Kulshrestha, M Eslami, J Messias, MB Zafar, S Ghosh, KP Gummadi, ...
Information Retrieval Journal 22, 188-227, 2019
Who Makes Trends? Understanding Demographic Biases in Crowdsourced Recommendations
A Chakraborty, J Messias, F Benevenuto, S Ghosh, N Ganguly, ...
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media …, 2017
A system for monitoring public political groups in WhatsApp
G Resende, J Messias, M Silva, J Almeida, M Vasconcelos, F Benevenuto
Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 387-390, 2018
WhatsApp Monitor: A Fact-Checking System for WhatsApp
P Melo, J Messias, G Resende, K Garimella, J Almeida, F Benevenuto
White, man, and highly followed: gender and race inequalities in Twitter
J Messias, P Vikatos, F Benevenuto
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 266--274, 2017
Forgetting in social media: Understanding and controlling longitudinal exposure of socially shared data
M Mondal, J Messias, S Ghosh, KP Gummadi, A Kate
Twelfth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2016), 287-299, 2016
From Migration Corridors to Clusters: The Value of Google+ Data for Migration Studies
J Messias, F Benevenuto, I Weber, E Zagheni
2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2016
Demographics of News Sharing in the U.S. Twittersphere
J Reis, H Kwak, J An, J Messias, F Benevenuto
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media Pages …, 2017
Understanding blockchain governance: Analyzing decentralized voting to amend defi smart contracts
J Messias, V Pahari, B Chandrasekaran, KP Gummadi, P Loiseau
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17655, 2023
Linguistic Diversities of Demographic Groups in Twitter
P Vikatos, J Messias, M Miranda, F Benevenuto
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media Pages …, 2017
Longitudinal Privacy Management in Social Media: The Need for Better Controls
M Mondal, J Messias, S Ghosh, KP Gummadi, A Kate
Work, 897-908, 2017
Selfish & opaque transaction ordering in the Bitcoin blockchain: the case for chain neutrality
J Messias, M Alzayat, B Chandrasekaran, KP Gummadi, P Loiseau, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 320-335, 2021
Bazinga! caracterizando e detectando sarcasmo e ironia no twitter
P Gonçalves, D Dalip, J Reis, J Messias, F Ribeiro, P Melo, L Araújo, ...
Anais do IV Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2015
On Blockchain Commit Times: An analysis of how miners choose Bitcoin transactions
J Messias, M Alzayat, B Chandrasekaran, KP Gummadi.
In Proceedings of the Second International KDD Workshop on Smart Data for …, 2020
Towards sentiment analysis for mobile devices
J Messias, JP Diniz, E Soares, M Ferreira, M Araujo, L Bastos, M Miranda, ...
2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2016
Sigam-me os bons! Transformando robôs em pessoas influentes no Twitter
J Messias, L Schmidt, R Oliveira, F Benevenuto
Anais do I Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2012
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