Mexico's leading regional passenger airline. It started operations as Aerolitoral in Veracruz in 1988 using fleet of NAMC YS-11 turbojet airliners. In December 1990 airline was purchased by Aeromexico and became its subsidiary. In 1992 airline has moved to Monterrey. In 1996 another Aeromexico regional subsidiary Aeroponiente based in Guadalajara was merged into Aerolitoral. Since 2007, airline operates as AeroMexico Connect. It is largest regional airline in Mexico serving almost 50 destinations in Mexico and USA. It provides feeder service as well as less dense direct routes for its parent Aeromexico a member of SkyTeam airline alliance and owned by Grupo Banamex.
founded - demised (age)
1988 - present (36years)
, Monterrey
base airports
related operators
current /stored fleet (38)