English: A faithful recreation of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's first insignia for the Mars 2020 mission. The insignia is an outlined circle, with the Earth and Mars depicted in between the outline of a transfer orbit. The outline extends out to write two "2"s, with the planets combining with them to vertically spell out "2020". Mars also acts as the Perseverance rover's SuperCam instrument, with its mast depicted behind the planet. The Mars 2020 mission is intended to be the successor to the Mars Science Laboratory mission, which has operated the Curiosity rover on Mars since its launch in 2011. Perseverance will land in Jezero crater to study the past environment of Mars using scientific instruments specialised in studying soil and materials on Jezero's delta, which once saw large flows of water pass through millions of years ago. Recreated in Inkscape 0.92, based off imagery featured in JPL's Mars 2020 store.
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Site-ul NASA deţine un număr mare de poze din Programul spaţial sovietic şi alte agenţii spaţiale non-americane. Acestea pot să nu aparţină domeniului public.
Materialele luate de Telescopul spaţial Hubble pot avea drepturi de autor diferite dacă nu vin explicit de la Institutul Ştiinţific al Telescopului Spaţial (STScl). Detalii.
Toate materialele create de sonda SOHO se află sub incidenţa drepturilor de autor şi necesită permisiune pentru folosirea comercială non-educaţională. Detalii.
Imaginile ce au fost publicate pe site-ul Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) pot fi restricţionate de drepturile de autor. Detalii.
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