Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) represent 85% of lung tumors. NSCLCs encompass multiple cancer types, such as adenocarcinomas (LUADs), squamous cell cancers (LUSCs), and large cell cancers. Among them, LUADs and LUSCs are the largest NSCLC subgroups. LUADs and LUSCs appear sharply distinct at the transcriptomic level, as well as for cellular control networks. LUADs show distinct genetic drivers and divergent prognostic profiles versus LUSCs. Therapeutic clinical trials in NSCLC indicate differential LUAD versus LUSC response to treatments. Hence, LUAD and LUSC appear to be vastly distinct diseases at the molecular, pathological, and clinical level. Abandoning the notion of NSCLC may critically help in developing novel, more effective subtype-specific molecular alteration-targeted therapeutic procedures.
Keywords: lung cancer; prognosis; therapy; tumor classification.
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