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DescriçãoAirplane vortex edit.jpg
English: Wake Vortex Study at Wallops Island
The air flow from the wing of this agricultural plane is made visible by a technique that uses colored smoke rising from the ground. The swirl at the wingtip traces the aircraft's wake vortex, which exerts a powerful influence on the flow field behind the plane. Because of wake vortex, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires aircraft to maintain set distances behind each other when they land. A joint NASA-FAA program aimed at boosting airport capacity, however, is aimed at determining conditions under which planes may fly closer together. NASA researchers are studying wake vortex with a variety of tools, from supercomputers, to wind tunnels, to actual flight tests in research aircraft. Their goal is to fully understand the phenomenon, then use that knowledge to create an automated system that could predict changing wake vortex conditions at airports. Pilots already know, for example, that they have to worry less about wake vortex in rough weather because windy conditions cause them to dissipate more rapidly.
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O uso de logótipos, insígnias e emblemas da NASA está sujeito a restrições pela lei 14 CFR 1221 dos EUA.
A página da NASA aloja um grande número de imagens da Agência Espacial Soviética / Russa e de outras agências espaciais estrangeiras. Estas não estão necessariamente no domínio público.
O projeto conjunto SOHO (ESA e NASA) implica que todos os materiais criados pela sonda têm os direitos de autor protegidos e requerem autorização unicamente para uso comercial com fins não educativos. [2]
As imagens destacadas no site Imagem Astronómica do Dia (Astronomy Picture of the Day, APOD) podem ter os direitos de autor protegidos. [3]
;Date: 05.04.1990 ;Title: Wake Vortex Study at Wallops Island ;Description: The air flow from the wing of this agricultural plane is made by a technique that uses colored smoke rising from the ground. The swirl at the wingtip traces the aircraft's wake vo