Update your printer's firmware from OctoPrint
Allows you to flash pre-compiled firmware to your printer right from OctoPrint.
A large number of boards are supported, based on the MCU (processor) they have:
- Atmel Atmega (AVR) family 8-bit MCUs (e.g. RAMPS, Sanguinololu, Melzi, Anet, Creality, Ender, Prusa MMU, Prusa CW1 many others)
- Atmel AT90USB family 8-bit MCUs (e.g. Printrboard)
- Atmel SAM family 32-bit MCUs (e.g. Arduino DUE)
- NXP LPC1768 & LPC1769 MCUs (MKS SBASE, BigTreeTech SKR v1.1, v1.3, v1.4, etc., also SKR Pro v1.1)
- STM32 family 32-bits MCUs with embedded ST serial bootloader (e.g. FYSETC Cheetah, not SKR Pro)
- STM32 family 32-bit MCUs which update from the SD card using the same method as LPC176x boards (e.g. SKR Pro v1.1, SKR Mini E3 v2, etc.)
More boards can be added, please request additions via a Github issue.
Additional Features
- Advanced options allow the flash methods to be configured or customized
- Pre and post-flash options allow gcode or system commands to be run before and after flashing
- A navbar icon can be enabled to give quick access to the Firmware Updater user interface
Full documentation is available on the plugin’s homepage.
For problems or bug reports, or to request support for a new board, please open a Github issue.
For general support:
- Use the #support-plugins Discord channel
- Post in the OctoPrint Community Plugins category
In either case, you can mention @benlye
in your message to get my attention.