This task involves the work of defining the user experience for people seeking to reply to specific comments on mobile talk pages using the Reply Tool.
=== Objective
Junior and Senior Contributors feel confident //and// comfortable responding to specific talk page comments using a mobile device.
=== User stories
- As a Junior or Senior Contributor seeking to respond to something someone else has said on a mobile talk page:
-- I want to instinctively know what to click to do so, so that I can remain focused on thinking about what I want to say rather than what technical steps I need to take to say it.
-- I want to be confident drafting what I want to say, so that I can dedicate my focus to writing something in a way the person I am speaking to will understand/be impacted by
-- I want to be confident the comment I've been writing will appear on the page in the way I expect it to, so that I do not need to worry about the prospect of my comment communicating something to other people that I did not intend for it to.
-- I want to be confident the comment I've been writing has been published successfully, so that I do not need to wonder if there is any additional "work" I need to do to ensure the person I am wanting to communicate with will "hear" what I am saying to them.
=== Mockups
//This section will contain designs that illustrate the user experience that will be implemented.//
=== Done
- [ ] Designs illustrating each step/state of the replying mobile experience are posted to the `===Mockups` section above.