Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Run a normal wiki with $wgMiserMode = false;
- Note that {{ACTIVEUSERS}} and the count on Special:Createaccount and Special:Statistics just gets further and further out of date
What happens?:
The active user count is never updated
What should have happened instead?:
There should be some mechanism to update the count when $wgMiserMode = false; The general expectation is you only need to run updateSpecialPages.php if you have $wgMiserMode = true;
Probably one of two things should happen:
- Since we are not in miser mode and don't care about hurting the DB, we should just dynamically calculate it each time with some caching, just like numberingroup
- We should recalculate it as part of the RecentChange update job that updates Special:ActiveUsers
This is a regression of T17666: "Active users" count invalid if updateSpecialPages hasn't been run
Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):