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Add extra translations for adyen gpay button
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Add translations for the "Donate with Gpay" button for hebrew and norwegian (nb)

Currently we use https://developers.google.com/pay/api/web/reference/request-objects#ButtonOptions local to control the language, but the translation is handled by gpay itself
Supported locales include en, ar, bg, ca, cs, da, de, el, es, et, fi, fr, hr, id, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, th, tr, uk, and zh

reference: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface/+/755523

Event Timeline

thanks! the dream is to test GPay in these languages next week.

Norwegian translation for nb (copy over the one used for "no"): Donér med %GPay logo%.
Hebrew translation: %GPay logo% לתרום עם

HNordeenWMF renamed this task from Add extra translation for adyen gpay button to Add extra translations for adyen gpay button.Aug 12 2022, 8:01 PM
greg triaged this task as High priority.Aug 12 2022, 8:40 PM

So if Adyen and GPay don't support 'nb' I suggest we set 'no' as the locale for their components whenever we get 'nb' from banners.

Change 823180 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg; author: Ejegg):

[mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface@master] Adyen: extract i18n function, map nb->no


@HNordeenWMF I don't actually see a way to set custom text on the GPay button (e.g. to provide text for Hebrew). It will fall back to whichever supported language the donor has set as their next preference in their browser language preferences (or English if there's no supported fallback).

If that's unacceptable, the best we can do would be to use the plain GPay logo button with no 'donate' text for unsupported locales. Should we do that?

thanks Elliott! Documenting the decision from standup:
Use the plain GPay logo button with no 'donate' text for unsupported locales!

OK, we're going ahead with the plain GPay button for languages not on that list. The good news is that all the popup text is translated into Hebrew:

image.png (667×593 px, 39 KB)

Change 823202 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg; author: Ejegg):

[mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface@master] Show plain GPay button rather than wrong language


Change 823180 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface@master] Adyen: extract i18n function, map nb->no


Change 823202 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface@master] Show plain GPay button rather than wrong language


@HNordeenWMF this is deployed. The changes are in javascript, so you might have to hard-reload the payments form to see them. The nb-language payments form now shows 'Donér med' and the he-language payments form now shows the plain 'GPay' button.

@HNordeenWMF oooops, that's breaking the card form. rolling back!

@HNordeenWMF false alarm, the card form was only breaking when I had debug=true on the URL. This has been known to break payments-wiki forever. The GPay language fixes are deployed and the card form is working fine too.

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 2.