- (design) What is the thumbnail on-click and on-hover behaviour?
- (design/technical)How can we present the image in the thumbnail?
- Not all images are square.
- Will the image be fixed width?
- How will the image adjust for snippet length?
- Fixed height?
- Min-height?
- Will the image be presented centered?
- (technical) - Is the thumbnail data already available in search results or do we need to pull it in via the api?
- (technical) - How many articles have images? And are we fine if the majority don't have any?
- (technical/design) - What do we want to do for non-content namespaces?
- (technical) - What is the optimal resolution for likely-warm-in-cache to maximize image delivery? (note: check MediaInfo, optimal sizes are somewhere in there already)
Note: We're using the same thumbnails that are used in the Go bar autocomplete