Long titles will be displayed fully in the side panel (mw-echo-ui-crossWikiUnreadFilterWidget-group element):
Subject | Repo | Branch | Lines +/- | |
Truncate page name in the sidebar and organize into table view | mediawiki/extensions/Echo | master | +54 -11 |
Event Timeline
Change 403844 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mooeypoo; owner: Mooeypoo):
[mediawiki/extensions/Echo@master] Truncate page name in the sidebar and organize into table view
The patch above truncates correctly but it makes the sidebar a little less compact.
I decreased spacing a bit and realigned the rows, but I also tried to make sure the lines are aligned to the middle of the cells, so the spacing is different a bit, but I actually think it makes it better now in the new version, showing everything aligned in the same line neatly. I couldn't get rid of more top/bottom spacing when it's table view, but it seems to be the "fault" of the icon that is now aligned to the middle of the line, and the counter that dictates the heights of each line. I could decrease the line-height in the counter, but then it makes the counter "box" less square, it doesn't seem to look that good.
@SBisson I think the new iteration in PS4 looks good, but there are still slight differences, so if you think the difference is significant, we can pass this through @Pginer-WMF
Change 403844 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Echo@master] Truncate page name in the sidebar and organize into table view