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Preload does not work correctly on mobile view
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Text preloaded with &preload= when editing a page in desktop view is not preloaded when using the mobile view.
Other url query parameters as &preloadtitle= and &editintro= are also ignored.

Compare desktop and mobile views of the same edit page with preload message. The only difference is .m added to the url.

Using Extension:Inputbox does not help.

Event Timeline

Zebulon84 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Zebulon84 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Zebulon84 added a project: Mobile.
Zebulon84 subscribed.

This apparently breaks quite a lot of workflows on English Wikinews.

Deskana moved this task from To Triage to Freezer on the VisualEditor board.

Hello. I request this be re-triaged. It's been 2.5 years. And it breaks more than Wikinews. For example, it makes it impossible for mobile users (remember some people *don't* have a non-mobile device) to request hardware in [[m:Hardware donation program]].

(Also, it's not just on the Visual Editor. It doesn't work with wikitext editing either, on mobile.)

Six months on, I again request that this be re-triaged. Perhaps some volunteer devs could be steered to consider fixing this?

Ammarpad subscribed.

This appears to have been fixed somewhen. Not sure if there's any other issue though.

"WORKSFORME" (oh, wrong bug tracking system..)

Zebulon84 claimed this task.

Yes, now this works for me too. I close this task.

Sophivorus reopened this task as Open.EditedMar 27 2021, 1:59 PM
Sophivorus subscribed.

Hi! I'm reopening this issue because it seems like it was only fixed when adding sections to existing pages.

If instead we try to create a page from scratch, the text is not preloaded, compare:

Hi! I'm reopening this issue because it seems like it was only fixed when adding sections to existing pages.

If instead we try to create a page from scratch, the text is not preloaded, compare:

If you click/tap the cross next to "Editing Non-existing page" you are returned to the "proper" editor with the preloaded content.

TheDJ subscribed.

no idea what this has to do with Inputbox, but its clear that the mobile editor has broken preload support in both Source and VE mode. The underlying textarea seems to work just fine however.

MusikAnimal subscribed.

T213835 is much newer than this ticket, but has more discussion so I merged this there.