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Receiver Availability

A receiver is online if it has sent an arbitrary message within half an hour.

Ranking Serial Operator Availability [%]

Total Messages

The table below shows the total amount of valid messages we received by a given receiver. We apply several plausibility checks as receiver use to send a lot of noise. The numbers below are computed after message filters have been applied.

Ranking Serial Operator Total Messages

Average Message Rate

The table below shows the average rate of valid messages over the selected day/month/year. We apply several plausibility checks as receiver use to send a lot of noise. The numbers below are computed after message filters have been applied.

Ranking Serial Operator Average [msg/s]

Distinct Aircraft

Ranking Serial Operator Number of Aircraft

Receiver Area

The area for each receiver is estimated based on ADS-B position reports. For each 1 degree-angle around the receiver, the farthest position report by an airplane is selected. The numbers below represent the resulting polygon's area in square kilometers.

Ranking Serial Operator Average Area [km²]
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