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Ihre Aktion:
Suchen (GND-Nummer, Suche nach verknüpften Titeln [GND]) 117657271
| siehe auch |
Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]: |
Du Chaillu, Paul B.
| Helms, A.
| Magyar, László |
| siehe auch |
Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]: |
Du Chaillu, Paul B.
| Helms, A.
| Magyar, László
| burns,m j
| Wagner, Hermann |
| siehe auch |
Suche über alles [ALL]: |
| ashango
| mitternachtssonne
| mitternachts
| hippopotamus
| winterreisen
| midnattssolens |
1. |
L'Afrique sauvage Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - Libreville, Gabon : Editions du LUTO, 2002 [Original: 1868]
2. |
Explorations and adventures in Equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people and of the chace of the gorilla, crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus and other animals Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - Nachdruck d. Ausg., London 1861. - Amsterdam : Time-Life Books, 1985
3. |
A journey to Ashango-Land : and further penetration into equatorial Africa Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - [Nachdr. d. Ausg.] New York, Appleton, 1867. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Johnson, 1971
4. |
The Viking Age 2 / Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - Repr. from the ed. of 1889. - New York : AMS Press, 1970
5. |
The Viking Age 1 / Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - Repr. from the ed. of 1889. - New York : AMS Press, 1970
6. |
Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chase of the gorilla, crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus, and other animals Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - Reprint.. - New York : Nergro Univ. Pr., 1969
7. |
Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chase of the gorilla, the crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus, and other wild animals Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - Reprint of the 1861 ed.. - New York, NY : Negro Univ. Press, 1969 [Original: 1861]
8. |
The land of the long night Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - New York : Scribner, 1910
9. |
The land of the long night Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - London : Murray, 1900
10. |
Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa of the dwarfs Du Chaillu, Paul B.. - An abridged and popular ed. - London : Murray, 1892
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