# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a360958 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A360958 #10 Mar 03 2023 06:01:38 %S A360958 6,6,3,5,0,2,1,3,8,9,3,3,0,2,8,1,9,7,1,3,5,8,8,1,0,9,5,9,4,9,9,9,3,2, %T A360958 9,5,7,7,5,2,6,6,2,5,1,6,2,4,5,2,9,5,2,8,3,0,3,1,0,8,4,2,5,6,8,0,3,2, %U A360958 9,1,6,0,4,1,4,2,6,3,3,5,0,5,1,9,3,5,4,5,3,9,3,4,3,5,4,0,8,5,0,9,5,3,2,2,8 %N A360958 Decimal expansion of Sum_{i>=1} 1/Fibonacci(3*i). %C A360958 Sum of reciprocals of the even Fibonacci numbers, so Sum_{i>=1} 1/A014445(i) %H A360958 Kevin Ryde, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..10000 %F A360958 Equals A079586 - A360957. %e A360958 .66350213893302819713588109594999329... %Y A360958 Cf. A014445, A079586, A153386, A360957. %K A360958 cons,nonn %O A360958 0,1 %A A360958 _Kevin Ryde_, Feb 28 2023 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE