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%I A320283 #29 Jan 31 2019 08:22:45
%S A320283 0,1,-2,-1,-4,-3,-6,-5,8,9,6,7,4,5,2,3,16,17,14,15,12,13,10,11,24,25,
%T A320283 22,23,20,21,18,19,-32,-31,-34,-33,-36,-35,-38,-37,-24,-23,-26,-25,
%U A320283 -28,-27,-30,-29,-16,-15,-18,-17,-20,-19,-22,-21,-8,-7,-10,-9,-12,-11,-14,-13,-64,-63,-66,-65,-68,-67,-70,-69
%N A320283 Lexicographical ordering of pure imaginary integers in the base (-1+i) numeral system.
%C A320283 For ordering of pure real integers in same system see A073791.
%C A320283 All integers appear in this sequence.
%H A320283 Andrey Zabolotskiy, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..8191 (terms up to 255 from Andreas K. Badea)
%H A320283 Solomon I. Khmelnik, Specialized Digital Computer for Operations with Complex Numbers, Questions of Radio Electronics, 12 (1964), 60-82 [in Russian].
%H A320283 W. J. Penney, A "binary" system for complex numbers, NSA Technical Journal, Vol. X, No. 2 (1965), 13-15.
%H A320283 W. J. Penney, A "binary" system for complex numbers, JACM 12 (1965), 247-248.
%F A320283 From _Andrey Zabolotskiy_, Jan 31 2019: (Start)
%F A320283 a(n) = A073791(2*n)/2.
%F A320283 a(n) = -a(4*n)/4.
%F A320283 a(n) = -4*a(floor(n/4)) + a(n mod 4). (End)
%Y A320283 Cf. A066321, A256441, A073791.
%K A320283 sign,easy
%O A320283 0,3
%A A320283 _Andreas K. Badea_, Oct 09 2018
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