# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a329943 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A329943 #24 Jun 23 2024 11:52:00 %S A329943 1,3,1,7,9,1,15,49,27,1,31,225,343,81,1,63,961,3375,2401,243,1,127, %T A329943 3969,29791,50625,16807,729,1,255,16129,250047,923521,759375,117649, %U A329943 2187,1,511,65025,2048383,15752961,28629151,11390625,823543,6561,1 %N A329943 Square array read by antidiagonals: T(n,k) is the number of right total relations between set A with n elements and set B with k elements. %C A329943 A relation R between set A with n elements and set B with k elements is a subset of the Cartesian product A x B. A relation R is right total if for each b in B there exists an a in A such that (a,b) in R. T(n,k) is the number of right total relations and T(k,n) is the number of left total relations: relation R is left total if for each a in A there exists a b in B such that (a,b) in R. %C A329943 From _Manfred Boergens_, Jun 23 2024: (Start) %C A329943 T(n,k) is the number of k X n binary matrices with no 0 rows. %C A329943 T(n,k) is the number of coverings of [k] by tuples (A_1,...,A_n) in P([k])^n, with P(.) denoting the power set. %C A329943 Swapping n,k gives A092477 (with k<=n). %C A329943 For nonempty A_j see A218695 (n,k swapped). %C A329943 For disjoint A_j see A089072 (n,k swapped). %C A329943 For nonempty and disjoint A_j see A019538 (n,k swapped). (End) %H A329943 Roy S. Freedman, Some New Results on Binary Relations, arXiv:1501.01914 [cs.DM], 2015. %F A329943 T(n,k) = (2^n - 1)^k. %e A329943 T(n,k) begins, for 1 <= n,k <= 9: %e A329943 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 %e A329943 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187 %e A329943 7, 49, 343, 2401, 16807, 117649, 823543 %e A329943 15, 225, 3375, 50625, 759375, 11390625, 170859375 %e A329943 31, 961, 29791, 923521, 28629151, 887503681, 27512614111 %e A329943 63, 3969, 250047, 15752961, 992436543, 62523502209, 3938980639167 %e A329943 127, 16129, 2048383, 260144641, 33038369407, 4195872914689, 532875860165503 %p A329943 rt:=(n,k)->(2^n-1)^k: %t A329943 T[n_, k_] := (2^n - 1)^k; Table[T[n - k + 1, k], {n, 1, 9}, {k, 1, n}] // Flatten (* _Amiram Eldar_, Nov 25 2019 *) %o A329943 (MuPAD) rt:=(n,k)->(2^n-1)^k: %Y A329943 Cf. A218695. %Y A329943 The diagonal T(n,n) is A055601. %Y A329943 A092477 = T(k,n) is the number of left total relations between A and B. %Y A329943 A053440 is the number of relations that are both right unique (see A329940) and right total. %Y A329943 A089072 is the number of functions from A to B: relations between A and B that are both right unique and left total. %Y A329943 A019538 is the number of surjections between A and B: relations that are right unique, right total, and left total. %Y A329943 A008279 is the number of injections: relations that are right unique, left total, and left unique. %Y A329943 A000142 is the number of bijections: relations that are right unique, left total, right total, and left unique. %K A329943 nonn,tabl,easy %O A329943 1,2 %A A329943 _Roy S. Freedman_, Nov 24 2019 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE