# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a281553 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A281553 #5 Jan 27 2017 13:15:18 %S A281553 0,1,3,1,3,7,6,2,6,14,15,7,5,13,12,4,12,28,29,13,15,31,30,14,10,26,27, %T A281553 11,9,25,24,8,24,56,57,25,27,59,58,26,30,62,63,31,29,61,60,28,20,52, %U A281553 53,21,23,55,54,22,18,50,51,19,17,49,48,16,48,112,113,49,51,115,114,50,54,118 %N A281553 Write n in binary reflected Gray code, rotate one binary place to the right and convert the code back to decimal. %C A281553 a(n) = A003188(n), iff the Elias delta code for n contains all 1's without any zeros (see the example section). %H A281553 Indranil Ghosh, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..10000 %e A281553 For n = 5, the binary reflected Gray code for n is '111'. Rotating one binary place to the right , '111' gives back '111' again. 111_2 = 7_10. So, a(5) = 7. (For n = 5, A003188(n) = 7). %e A281553 For n = 15, the binary reflected Gray code for n is '1000'. Rotating one binary place to the right, '1000' gives '0100'. 100_2 = 4_10. So, a(15) = 4. %o A281553 (Python) %o A281553 def rotation(n): %o A281553 ....x=bin(n^(n/2))[2:] %o A281553 ....return int(x[-1]+x[:-1],2) %Y A281553 Cf. A003188, A014550, A038572. %K A281553 nonn,base %O A281553 0,3 %A A281553 _Indranil Ghosh_, Jan 24 2017 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE