# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a281126 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A281126 #4 Jan 15 2017 07:37:06 %S A281126 2,208,5590,75668,923678,10441416,112649322,1178277478,12052427112, %T A281126 121217893114,1203135774464,11815341234706,115023383706648, %U A281126 1111618427587466,10676654271394364,102000704609797814 %N A281126 Number of nX4 0..2 arrays with no element equal to more than one of its horizontal, vertical and antidiagonal neighbors, with the exception of exactly one element, and with new values introduced in order 0 sequentially upwards. %C A281126 Column 4 of A281129. %H A281126 R. H. Hardin, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210 %e A281126 Some solutions for n=4 %e A281126 ..0..0..0..1. .0..1..1..2. .0..0..1..1. .0..1..2..1. .0..0..1..1 %e A281126 ..1..1..2..2. .2..0..2..1. .1..2..0..2. .2..1..2..2. .1..2..0..0 %e A281126 ..0..0..1..0. .0..1..2..0. .1..0..1..2. .0..2..0..0. .2..1..2..1 %e A281126 ..2..2..1..0. .2..0..1..1. .0..2..0..1. .0..1..2..2. .2..0..1..0 %Y A281126 Cf. A281129. %K A281126 nonn %O A281126 1,1 %A A281126 _R. H. Hardin_, Jan 15 2017 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE