# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a276968 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A276968 #16 Oct 12 2018 14:57:36 %S A276968 1,3,5,25,65,85,145,165,185,205,221,265,305,365,445,465,485,505,545, %T A276968 565,685,745,785,825,865,905,965,985,1025,1085,1145,1165,1205,1285, %U A276968 1345,1385,1405,1465,1565,1585,1685,1705,1745,1765,1865,1925,1945,1985,2005,2045,2105,2165,2245,2285,2305,2325 %N A276968 Odd integers n such that 2^n == 2^5 (mod n). %C A276968 Also, integers n such that 2^(n-5) == 1 (mod n). %C A276968 Contains A050993 as a subsequence. %C A276968 For all m, 2^A128122(m)-1 belongs to this sequence. %H A276968 Seiichi Manyama, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 %t A276968 m = 2^5; Join[Select[Range[1, m, 2], Divisible[2^# - m, #] &], %t A276968 Select[Range[m + 1, 10^3, 2], PowerMod[2, #, #] == m &]] (* _Robert Price_, Oct 12 2018 *) %Y A276968 The odd terms of A015925. %Y A276968 Odd integers n such that 2^n == 2^k (mod n): A176997 (k=1), A173572 (k=2), A276967 (k=3), A033984 (k=4), this sequence (k=5), A215610 (k=6), A276969 (k=7), A215611 (k=8), A276970 (k=9), A215612 (k=10), A276971 (k=11), A215613 (k=12). %Y A276968 Cf. A050993, A128122. %K A276968 nonn,easy %O A276968 1,2 %A A276968 _Max Alekseyev_, Sep 22 2016 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE