# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a261270 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A261270 #14 Sep 25 2020 07:13:18 %S A261270 3,7,29,59,239,479,3833,30671,61343,981493,3925973,62815573,502524587, %T A261270 2010098351,16080786809,1029170355779,4116681423119,65866902769909, %U A261270 263467611079637,2107740888637103,134895416872774619,17266613359715151259,1105063255021769680613 %N A261270 Base-10 representation of A261269. %H A261270 Clark Kimberling, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..500 %t A261270 b = 2; s = {{1}}; Do[NestWhile[# + 1 &, 0, ! (PrimeQ[FromDigits[tmp = Join[Last[s],(nn = #; IntegerDigits[nn - Sum[b^n, {n, l = NestWhile[# + 1 &, 1, ! (nn - (Sum[b^n, {n, #}]) < 0) &] - 1}], b, l + 1])], b]]) &]; AppendTo[s, tmp], {30}]; Map[FromDigits, s]; Map[FromDigits, s] (* A261200 *) %t A261270 Map[FromDigits[#, b] &, s] (* A261201 *) %t A261270 (* _Peter J. C. Moses_, Aug 06 2015 *) %Y A261270 Cf. A261269. %K A261270 nonn,easy,base %O A261270 1,1 %A A261270 _Clark Kimberling_, Sep 17 2015 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE