# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a213307 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A213307 #13 Oct 24 2014 04:14:38 %S A213307 2,13,11,127,101,149,1009,1063,1049,1481,10091,10069,10169,11681, %T A213307 14669,100129,100189,100169,101681,104681,146669,1000669,1001219, %U A213307 1001081,1004669,1014469,1046849,1468469,10001081,10004669,10010851 %N A213307 Minimal prime with n nonprime substrings (Version 3: substrings with leading zeros are counted as nonprime if the corresponding number is not a prime). %H A213307 Hieronymus Fischer, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..100 %F A213307 a(n) > 10^floor((sqrt(8*n+1)-1)/2), for n>2. %F A213307 a(n) >= A213304(n). %F A213307 a(n) >= A213306(n). %e A213307 a(0) = 2, since 2 is the least number with zero nonprime substrings. %e A213307 a(1) = 13, since 13 there is one nonprime substring (=1). %e A213307 a(2) = 11, since 11 is the least number with 2 nonprime substrings (2 times ‘1’). %e A213307 a(3) = 127, since 127 is the least number with 3 nonprime substrings, these are 1 and 12 and 27 (according to version 3). %Y A213307 Cf. A019546, A035232, A039996, A046034, A069489, A085823, A211681, A211682, A211684, A211685. %Y A213307 Cf. A035244, A079307, A213300 - A213321. %K A213307 nonn,base %O A213307 0,1 %A A213307 _Hieronymus Fischer_, Aug 26 2012 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE