# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a192249 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A192249 #7 May 04 2014 17:37:34 %S A192249 0,5,20,90,300,930,2610,6900,17295,41605,96660,218145,480225,1034765, %T A192249 2188385,4552745,9334760,18892805,37794765,74817520,146702410, %U A192249 285169310,549948760,1052879110,2002263910,3784182685,7110957850,13291250220 %N A192249 1-sequence of reduction of binomial coefficient sequence B(n,4)=A000332 by x^2 -> x+1. %C A192249 See A192232 for definition of "k-sequence of reduction of [sequence] by [substitution]". %F A192249 a(n) = 5*A192069(n). %F A192249 Conjecture: G.f.: 5*x^2*(1-2*x+4*x^2-3*x^3+x^4) / ( (x-1)*(x^2+x-1)^5 ). - _R. J. Mathar_, May 04 2014 %t A192249 (See A192248.) %Y A192249 Cf. A192232, A192248, A192069. %K A192249 nonn %O A192249 1,2 %A A192249 _Clark Kimberling_, Jun 27 2011 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE