# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a176601 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A176601 #4 Nov 21 2013 12:50:03 %S A176601 19,853,2287,2467,4243,4513,4621,5431,5701,7243,7477,7591,7927,8221, %T A176601 8317,9283,9439,9817,10039,12781,13933,14461,14923,15727,16693,17443, %U A176601 18199,18217,19207,20749,21139,22147,23761,25471,26701,26953,27481,28111,28447,28579 %N A176601 Primes p that p//13 and p//31 are consecutive primes. %C A176601 See A176600 %H A176601 Harvey P. Dale, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..2000 %e A176601 19//13 = 1913 = prime(293), 19//31 = 1931 = prime(294), 19 = prime(8) is 1st term %e A176601 853//13 = 85313 = prime(8306), 853//31 = 85331 = prime(8307), 853 = prime(147) is 2nd term %t A176601 okQ[n_]:=Module[{idn=IntegerDigits[n],p13,p31},p13=FromDigits[ Join[ idn,{1,3}]];p31=FromDigits[Join[idn,{3,1}]];PrimeQ[p13]&&NextPrime[p13] == p31]; Select[Prime[Range[16000]],okQ] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jan 21 2012 *) %Y A176601 A168327, A168417, A173836, A174213, A174260, A174355, A174441, A176600 %K A176601 base,nonn %O A176601 1,1 %A A176601 Eva-Maria Zschorn (e-m.zschorn(AT)zaschendorf.km3.de), Apr 21 2010 %E A176601 More terms from Harvey P. Dale, Jan 21 2012 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE