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%I A155982 #11 Aug 14 2023 11:33:23
%S A155982 1,2,7,8,9,4,2,9,4,5,6,5,1,1,2,9,8,4,3,1,9,1,0,4,4,0,8,1,0,3,7,8,8,5,
%T A155982 6,0,3,1,0,4,7,9,4,3,3,7,5,9,6,4,7,3,0,6,7,9,7,2,6,9,6,0,0,3,4,0,8,2,
%U A155982 7,6,5,0,5,2,4,0,4,6,7,5,5,9,0,8,0,6,9,7,2,1,7,3,5,0,3,6,3,1,1
%N A155982 Decimal expansion of log_12 (24).
%H A155982 Vincenzo Librandi, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000
%H A155982 Index entries for transcendental numbers
%F A155982 Equals 1 + A152778. - _R. J. Mathar_, May 09 2010
%e A155982 1.2789429456511298431910440810378856031047943375964730679726...
%t A155982 RealDigits[Log[12,24],10,120][[1]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Feb 22 2012 *)
%Y A155982 Cf. decimal expansion of log_12(m): A152778 (m=2), A153015 (m=3), A153105 (m=4), A153306 (m=5), A153589 (m=6), A153622 (m=7), A153813 (m=8), A154012 (m=9), A154162 (m=10), A154183 (m=11), A154395 (m=13), A154480 (m=14), A154582 (m=15), A154802 (m=16), A154884 (m=17), A154969 (m=18), A155064 (m=19), A155524 (m=20), A155679 (m=21), A155749 (m=22), A155832 (m=23), this sequence.
%K A155982 nonn,cons
%O A155982 1,2
%A A155982 _N. J. A. Sloane_, Oct 30 2009
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