# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a139495 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A139495 #6 Dec 18 2015 10:55:26 %S A139495 29,109,149,281,389,401,421,449,541,569,641,701,709,809,821,1009,1061, %T A139495 1129,1201,1229,1289,1381,1409,1429,1481,1549,1621,1709,1789,1801, %U A139495 1901,2069,2081,2129,2221,2269,2381,2389,2521,2549,2689,2741,2801,2909,2969 %N A139495 Primes of the form x^2 + 12x*y + y^2 for x and y nonnegative. %H A139495 N. J. A. Sloane et al., Binary Quadratic Forms and OEIS (Index to related sequences, programs, references) %t A139495 a = {}; w = 12; k = 1; Do[Do[If[PrimeQ[n^2 + w*n*m + k*m^2], AppendTo[a, n^2 + w*n*m + k*m^2]], {n, m, 400}], {m, 1, 400}]; Union[a] (*Artur Jasinski*) %t A139495 With[{nn=50},Take[Union[Select[#[[1]]^2+12#[[1]]#[[2]]+#[[2]]^2&/@ Tuples[ Range[ nn],2],PrimeQ]],nn]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Dec 18 2015 *) %Y A139495 Cf. A139489, A007645, A068228, A007519, A033212, A033212, A107152, A107008, A033215, A107145, A139490, A139491. %K A139495 nonn %O A139495 1,1 %A A139495 _Artur Jasinski_, Apr 24 2008 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE