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%I A137371 #10 Oct 11 2017 18:13:18
%S A137371 4,6,9,14,22,57,111,218,445,879,1754,3518,7034,14069,28129,56271,
%T A137371 112529,225073,450139,900274,1800559,3601109,7202221,14404439,
%U A137371 28808881,57617759,115235531,230471069,460942121
%N A137371 a(n) = least semiprime such that all subsets of {a(1),...,a(n)} have a different sum.
%H A137371 S. J. Benkoski and P. Erdős, On weird and pseudoperfect numbers, Math. Comp., 28 (1974), pp. 617-623. Alternate link; 1975 corrigendum
%p A137371 isA001358 := proc(n) if numtheory[bigomega](n) = 2 then true; else false; fi ; end: setsum := proc(S) add(i,i=S) ; end: a := [4] : while true do for anxt from op(-1,a)+1 do if isA001358(anxt) then aset := combinat[powerset](convert(a,set) union {anxt} ); sset := {} ; for s in aset do sset := sset union { setsum(s) } ; od: if nops(sset) = nops(aset) then a := [op(a),anxt] ; print(a) ; break ; fi ; fi ; od: od: # _R. J. Mathar_
%Y A137371 Cf. A001358, A006037, A064934.
%K A137371 more,nonn
%O A137371 1,1
%A A137371 _Jonathan Vos Post_, Apr 09 2008
%E A137371 More terms from _R. J. Mathar_
%E A137371 a(12)-a(29) from _Donovan Johnson_, Nov 11 2008
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