# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a107933 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A107933 #12 Apr 15 2014 03:52:40 %S A107933 52,62,82,129,200,202,206,225,226,257,258,268,269,312,320,323,329,342, %T A107933 362,402,412,421,422,423,424,426,427,428,462,492,520,582,602,812,824, %U A107933 922,925,926,928,929,1042,1122,1142,1212,1224 %N A107933 Numbers n such that n and n-th prime have only one common digit = 2. %C A107933 Other cases of common digit d: A107931 (d=0), A107932 (d=1), A107934 (d=3), A107935 (d=4), A107936 (d=5), A107937 (d=6), A107938 (d=7), A107939 (d=8), A107940 (d=9). Cf. A107930 - smallest m's for digits 0,...,9. %H A107933 Harvey P. Dale, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000 %e A107933 a(1) = 52 because the 52nd prime, 239 and 52 have the only common digit 2, and 52 is the smallest such number. %t A107933 bb = {}; Do[If[IntegerDigits [n]\[Intersection]IntegerDigits [ Prime[n]]\[Equal]{2}, bb = Append[bb, n]], {n, 1800}]; bb (* _Zak Seidov_ *) %t A107933 FromDigits[First[#]]&/@Select[Table[IntegerDigits[{n, Prime[n]}], {n, 1300}], Intersection@@# == {2} &] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Nov 05 2013 *) %Y A107933 Cf. A107930 - A107940. %K A107933 nonn,base %O A107933 1,1 %A A107933 _Zak Seidov_, May 28 2005 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE