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%I A107918 #5 Mar 30 2012 17:26:16
%S A107918 2,3,3,2,3,4,3,4,3,5,3,3,5,3,5,8,5,5,6,6,8,5,2,5,4,8,7,6,5,7,4,8,4,7,
%T A107918 6,4,6,8,5,6,8,7,4,7,7,8,4,3,6,5,6,7,5,5,8,7,5,6,7,7,8,5,6,6,9,6,7,4,
%U A107918 3,7,5,5,5,3,7,7,6,9,3,8,5,9,4,9,7,5,5,10,5,9,6,9,6,8,9,7,5,8,6,6,7,9,5,4
%N A107918 Length of continued fraction for the harmonic mean of n and n-th prime.
%H A107918 Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Continued Fraction.
%H A107918 Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Harmonic Mean.
%e A107918 a(10)=5 because 10th prime is 29, harmonic mean of 10 and 29 is 580/39 and continued fraction for 580/39 has terms {14,1,6,1,4} and length 5.
%t A107918 A107918[n_]:=Length[ContinuedFraction[HarmonicMean[{n, Prime[n]}]]]
%Y A107918 Cf. A107919.
%K A107918 nonn
%O A107918 1,1
%A A107918 _Zak Seidov_, May 28 2005
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