# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a093898 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A093898 #18 Aug 15 2017 03:14:42 %S A093898 2,3,8,4,17,54,5,32,145,512,6,57,368,1649,6250,7,100,945,5392,23401, %T A093898 93312,8,177,2530,18785,94932,397585,1647086,9,320,7073,69632,423393, %U A093898 1941760,7861953,33554432,10,593,20412,268705,2012174,10609137,45136576 %N A093898 Triangle read by rows: T(n,r) = n^r + r^n (1 <= r <= n). %e A093898 2, %e A093898 3, 8, %e A093898 4, 17, 54, %e A093898 5, 32, 145, 512, %e A093898 6, 57, 368, 1649, 6250, %e A093898 7, 100, 945, 5392, 23401, 93312, %p A093898 T:=(n,r)->n^r+r^n: for n from 1 to 10 do seq(T(n,r),r=1..n) od; # yields sequence in triangular form # _Emeric Deutsch_, Feb 04 2006 %t A093898 Flatten[Table[n^r+r^n,{n,10},{r,n}]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jun 19 2011 *) %Y A093898 Same information as A055652. - _Franklin T. Adams-Watters_, Oct 26 2009 %K A093898 nonn,tabl %O A093898 1,1 %A A093898 _Amarnath Murthy_, Apr 23 2004 %E A093898 More terms from _Emeric Deutsch_, Feb 04 2006 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE