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%I A085276 #8 Oct 04 2012 10:28:43
%S A085276 1,8,1484710602474311520,2,7,8,3,1484710602474311520,220,4,227370,560,
%T A085276 5,32,34,6,1995,23157015398160,7,11983136,209136187376736,8,75,78,9
%N A085276 Integer reached in A072340.
%D A085276 N. J. A. Sloane, Seven Staggering Sequences, in Homage to a Pied Puzzler, E. Pegg Jr., A. H. Schoen and T. Rodgers (editors), A. K. Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2009, pp. 93-110.
%H A085276 J. C. Lagarias and N. J. A. Sloane, Approximate squaring (pdf, ps), Experimental Math., 13 (2004), 113-128.
%H A085276 N. J. A. Sloane, Seven Staggering Sequences.
%Y A085276 Cf. A072340, A085285, A085286.
%K A085276 nonn
%O A085276 3,2
%A A085276 _N. J. A. Sloane_, Aug 13 2003
%E A085276 The next term is too large to include.
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