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%I A022450 #9 May 13 2018 10:12:43
%S A022450 2,6,12,21,33,49,69,94,125,164,212,270,339,422,520,636,774,933,1121,
%T A022450 1339,1590,1880,2210,2587,3021,3512,4074,4710,5427,6239,7155,8183,
%U A022450 9339,10637,12084,13705,15517,17534,19773,22266,25030,28095,31484,35239,39387,43960
%N A022450 a(1) = 2; a(n+1) = a(n)-th composite.
%D A022450 C. Kimberling, Fractal sequences and interspersions, Ars Combinatoria, vol. 45 p 157 1997.
%H A022450 Chai Wah Wu, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..900
%H A022450 C. Kimberling, Interspersions
%t A022450 g[ n_Integer ] := (k = n + PrimePi[ n ] + 1; While[ k - PrimePi[ k ] - 1, k++ ]; k); NestList[ g, 2, 45 ]
%Y A022450 Cf. A006508, A022451, A025010, A025011.
%K A022450 nonn
%O A022450 1,1
%A A022450 _Clark Kimberling_
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