# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a005344 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A005344 M4615 #23 Aug 14 2020 13:46:29 %S A005344 9,34,112,326,797,1617,3191 %N A005344 a(n) = solution to the postage stamp problem with n denominations and 9 stamps. %C A005344 _Fred Lunnon_ [W. F. Lunnon] defines "solution" to be the smallest value not obtainable by the best set of stamps. The solutions given are one lower than this, that is, the sequence gives the largest number obtainable without a break using the best set of stamps. %D A005344 R. K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, C12. %D A005344 N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence). %H A005344 R. Alter and J. A. Barnett, A postage stamp problem, Amer. Math. Monthly, 87 (1980), 206-210. %H A005344 Erich Friedman, Postage stamp problem %H A005344 R. L. Graham and N. J. A. Sloane, On Additive Bases and Harmonious Graphs %H A005344 R. L. Graham and N. J. A. Sloane, On Additive Bases and Harmonious Graphs, SIAM J. Algebraic and Discrete Methods, 1 (1980), 382-404. %H A005344 W. F. Lunnon, A postage stamp problem, Comput. J. 12 (1969) 377-380. %Y A005344 Postage stamp sequences: A001208, A001209, A001210, A001211, A001212, A001213, A001214, A001215, A001216, A005342, A005343, A005344, A014616, A053346, A053348, A075060, A084192, A084193. %K A005344 nonn,more %O A005344 1,1 %A A005344 _N. J. A. Sloane_. %E A005344 Entry improved by comments from John Seldon (johnseldon(AT)onetel.com), Sep 15 2004 %E A005344 a(7) from Challis and Robinson by _Robert Price_, Jul 19 2013 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE