Displaying 1-10 of 13 results found.
Number of compositions of n with equal number of even and odd parts.
1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 6, 6, 24, 28, 60, 130, 190, 432, 770, 1386, 2856, 5056, 9828, 18918, 34908, 68132, 128502, 244090, 470646, 890628, 1709136, 3271866, 6238986, 11986288, 22925630, 43932906, 84349336, 161625288, 310404768, 596009494
a(n) = Sum_{k=floor(n/3)..floor(n/2)} C(2*n-4*k,n-2*k)*C(n-1-k,2*n-4*k-1).
Recurrence: n*(2*n-7)*a(n) = 2*(n-2)*(2*n-5)*a(n-2) + 2*(2*n-7)*(2*n-3)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(2*n-3)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 01 2014
a(n) ~ sqrt(c) * d^n / sqrt(Pi*n), where d = 1.94696532812840456026081823863... is the root of the equation 1-4*d-2*d^2+d^4 = 0, c = 0.225563290820392765554898545739... is the root of the equation 43*c^4-18*c^2+8*c-1=0. - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 01 2014
The a(0) = 1 through a(7) = 6 compositions (empty columns indicated by dots):
() . . (12) . (14) (1122) (16)
(21) (23) (1212) (25)
(32) (1221) (34)
(41) (2112) (43)
(2121) (52)
(2211) (61)
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], Count[#, _?EvenQ]==Count[#, _?OddQ]&]], {n, 0, 15}] (* Gus Wiseman, Jun 26 2022 *)
These compositions are ranked by A355321.
Number T(n,k) of compositions of n, where k is the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts, both counted without multiplicity; triangle T(n,k), n>=0, read by rows.
1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 11, 2, 3, 2, 2, 14, 8, 6, 6, 33, 14, 11, 5, 15, 43, 45, 20, 44, 82, 99, 25, 6, 14, 74, 141, 230, 41, 12, 202, 260, 451, 85, 26, 6, 22, 351, 514, 953, 148, 54, 24, 766, 1049, 1798, 355, 104, 18, 104, 1301, 2321, 3503, 751, 194
T(n^2,n) = T(n^2+n,-n) = n! = A000142(n) for n>=0.
T(8,-1) = 15: [2,2,2,2], [1,1,2,4], [1,1,4,2], [1,2,1,4], [1,2,4,1], [1,4,1,2], [1,4,2,1], [2,1,1,4], [2,1,4,1], [2,4,1,1], [4,1,1,2], [4,1,2,1], [4,2,1,1], [4,4], [8].
Triangle T(n,k) begins:
: n\k : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...
: 0 : 1;
: 1 : 1;
: 2 : 1, 0, 1;
: 3 : 2, 2;
: 4 : 2, 3, 1, 2;
: 5 : 11, 2, 3;
: 6 : 2, 2, 14, 8, 6;
: 7 : 6, 33, 14, 11;
: 8 : 5, 15, 43, 45, 20;
: 9 : 44, 82, 99, 25, 6;
: 10 : 14, 74, 141, 230, 41, 12;
: 11 : 202, 260, 451, 85, 26;
: 12 : 6, 22, 351, 514, 953, 148, 54;
: 13 : 24, 766, 1049, 1798, 355, 104;
: 14 : 18, 104, 1301, 2321, 3503, 751, 194;
b:= proc(n, i, p) option remember; `if`(n=0, p!, `if`(i<1, 0,
expand(add(`if`(j=0, 1, x^(2*irem(i, 2)-1))*
b(n-i*j, i-1, p+j)/j!, j=0..n/i))))
T:= n->(p->seq(coeff(p, x, i), i=ldegree(p)..degree(p)))(b(n$2, 0)):
seq(T(n), n=0..20);
b[n_, i_, p_] := b[n, i, p] = If[n==0, p!, If[i<1, 0, Expand[Sum[If[j==0, 1, x^(2*Mod[i, 2]-1)]*b[n-i*j, i-1, p+j]/j!, {j, 0, n/i}]]]]; T[n_] := Function[p, Table[Coefficient[p, x, i], {i, Exponent[p, x, Min], Exponent[p, x]}]][b[n, n, 0]]; Table[T[n], {n, 0, 20}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Jan 17 2017, translated from Maple *)
Columns k=(-5)-5 give: A242836, A242837, A242838, A242839, A242840, A242821, A242841, A242842, A242843, A242844, A242845.
Cf. A242498 (compositions with multiplicity), A242618 (partitions without multiplicity).
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 1.
1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 9, 11, 18, 51, 65, 151, 290, 477, 1043, 1835, 3486, 6931, 12540, 24607, 46797, 87979, 171072, 323269, 619245, 1190619, 2264925, 4357211, 8343322, 15973309, 30711853, 58846191, 113027716, 217192103, 416964202, 801880039, 1541412015, 2963997227
With offset 2 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -1.
Recurrence (for n>=5): (n+2)*(16*n^4 - 128*n^3 + 344*n^2 - 352*n + 89)*a(n) = -32*(n+1)*(2*n-5)*a(n-1) + 2*(16*n^5 - 112*n^4 + 264*n^3 - 320*n^2 + 301*n - 89)*a(n-2) + 2*(2*n-5)*(16*n^4 - 80*n^3 + 80*n^2 + 36*n - 53)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(16*n^4 - 64*n^3 + 56*n^2 + 16*n - 31)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
a:= proc(n) option remember;
`if`(n<6, [0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1][n+1],
((3*n-2)*a(n-2) +(4*n+2)*a(n-3) -(3*n-10)*a(n-4)
-(4*n-22)*a(n-5) +(n-6)*a(n-6))/(n+2))
seq(a(n), n=1..50);
a[n_] := a[n] = If[n<6, {0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1}[[n+1]], ((3n-2)a[n-2] + (4n+2)a[n-3] - (3n-10)a[n-4] - (4n-22)a[n-5] + (n-6)a[n-6])/(n+2)];
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 2.
1, 0, 2, 4, 3, 16, 19, 40, 95, 136, 321, 588, 1057, 2240, 3998, 7848, 15339, 28464, 56143, 106788, 204083, 396704, 755052, 1457456, 2806531, 5377112, 10382243, 19947252, 38382957, 73996576, 142311198, 274283168, 528438319, 1017784016, 1962451118, 3781912684
With offset 4 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -2.
Recurrence (for n>=6): (n+4)*(2*n-5)*(2*n-3)*(n^4 - 6*n^3 + 11*n^2 - 6*n - 16)*a(n) = -16*(n-3)*(n+3)*(2*n-5)*(2*n-1)*a(n-1) + 2*(n-2)*(2*n-3)*(2*n^5 - 7*n^4 + 8*n^3 - 51*n^2 + 28*n + 32)*a(n-2) + 2*(n-3)*(2*n-5)*(2*n-1)*(2*n^4 - 3*n^3 - 2*n^2 + 11*n - 24)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(2*n-3)*(2*n-1)*(n^4 - 2*n^3 - n^2 + 2*n - 16)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 3.
1, 0, 3, 5, 6, 25, 31, 75, 162, 259, 609, 1106, 2122, 4410, 8076, 16197, 31527, 59961, 118844, 227700, 441507, 860860, 1654731, 3218501, 6226818, 12027405, 23337471, 45082050, 87258876, 168935018, 326536646, 632132760, 1222716653, 2364969824, 4576680195
With offset 6 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -3.
Recurrence (for n>=7): (n-3)*(n-2)*(n-1)*(n+6)*(16*n^4 - 64*n^3 + 56*n^2 + 16*n - 1311)*a(n) = -288*(n-4)*(n-2)*n*(n+5)*(2*n-3)*a(n-1) + 2*(n-1)*(16*n^7 - 64*n^6 + 136*n^5 - 1048*n^4 + 1621*n^3 + 1202*n^2 - 9162*n + 7866)*a(n-2) + 2*(n-2)*n*(2*n-3)*(16*n^5 - 32*n^4 - 48*n^3 + 212*n^2 - 1429*n + 2145)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(n-1)^2*n*(16*n^4 - 40*n^2 - 1287)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 4.
1, 0, 4, 6, 10, 36, 48, 126, 259, 456, 1064, 1956, 3939, 8112, 15300, 31174, 60951, 118580, 236456, 458172, 900185, 1765556, 3431792, 6728410, 13107393, 25538448, 49856392, 96966572, 188914574, 367741688, 715053048, 1391512424, 2705016795, 5258241032
With offset 8 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -4.
Recurrence (for n>=8): (n-4)*(n+8)*(2*n-3)*(2*n-1)*(n^4 - 2*n^3 - n^2 + 2*n - 256)*a(n) = -64*(n-5)*(n-1)*(n+7)*(2*n-3)*(2*n+1)*a(n-1) + 2*(2*n-1)*(2*n^7 - n^6 + 14*n^5 - 199*n^4 - 288*n^3 + 600*n^2 - 5360*n + 2928)*a(n-2) + 2*(n-1)*(2*n-3)*(2*n+1)*(2*n^5 + n^4 - 9*n^3 + 28*n^2 - 508*n + 608)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*n*(2*n-1)*(2*n+1)*(n^4 + 2*n^3 - n^2 - 2*n - 256)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 5.
1, 0, 5, 7, 15, 49, 71, 196, 394, 753, 1746, 3285, 6865, 14124, 27445, 56661, 111892, 222222, 446524, 876876, 1744353, 3448783, 6782633, 13411528, 26346074, 51799306, 101840098, 199601828, 391637976, 767247094, 1501758784, 2939789022, 5747749147, 11235696151
With offset 10 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -5.
Recurrence (for n>=9): (n-5)*(n-1)*n*(n+10)*(16*n^4 - 40*n^2 - 9991)*a(n) = -800*(n-6)*(n-1)*(n+1)*(n+9)*(2*n-1)*a(n-1) + 2*n*(16*n^7 + 48*n^6 + 280*n^5 - 1920*n^4 - 11691*n^3 - 5023*n^2 - 167795*n + 7975)*a(n-2) + 2*(n-1)*(n+1)*(2*n-1)*(16*n^5 + 48*n^4 - 16*n^3 + 292*n^2 - 9645*n + 7200)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*n*(n+1)^2*(16*n^4 + 64*n^3 + 56*n^2 - 16*n - 10015)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 6.
1, 0, 6, 8, 21, 64, 101, 288, 576, 1180, 2727, 5280, 11363, 23496, 46981, 98176, 196482, 397644, 806351, 1606488, 3234335, 6456048, 12849330, 25637632, 50835950, 100883304, 199903578, 395067760, 781029504, 1540973568, 3037666097, 5984978112, 11775884581
With offset 12 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -6.
Recurrence (for n>=10): (n-6)*(n+12)*(2*n-1)*(2*n+1)*(n^4 + 2*n^3 - n^2 - 2*n - 1296)*a(n) = -144*(n-7)*n*(n+11)*(2*n-1)*(2*n+3)*a(n-1) + 2*(2*n+1)*(2*n^7 + 13*n^6 + 80*n^5 - 179*n^4 - 3424*n^3 - 6476*n^2 - 69072*n - 31104)*a(n-2) + 2*n*(2*n-1)*(2*n+3)*(2*n^5 + 11*n^4 + 15*n^3 + 67*n^2 - 2465*n + 642)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(n+2)*(2*n+1)*(2*n+3)*(n^4 + 6*n^3 + 11*n^2 + 6*n - 1296)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 7.
1, 0, 7, 9, 28, 81, 139, 405, 815, 1771, 4092, 8173, 18019, 37609, 77246, 163345, 331968, 683631, 1400777, 2832362, 5770056, 11640546, 23446366, 47227530, 94582628, 189487950, 378658714, 754877809, 1504215522, 2990469337, 5939101301, 11782590061, 23340439078
With offset 14 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -7.
Recurrence (for n>=11): (n-7)*n*(n+1)*(n+14)*(16*n^4 + 64*n^3 + 56*n^2 - 16*n - 38431)*a(n) = -1568*(n-8)*n*(n+2)*(n+13)*(2*n+1)*a(n-1) + 2*(n+1)*(16*n^7 + 160*n^6 + 1192*n^5 + 472*n^4 - 49083*n^3 - 168912*n^2 - 1534048*n - 1379196)*a(n-2) + 2*n*(n+2)*(2*n+1)*(16*n^5 + 128*n^4 + 336*n^3 + 1076*n^2 - 36101*n - 8729)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)*(16*n^4 + 128*n^3 + 344*n^2 + 352*n - 38311)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
Number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is 8.
1, 0, 8, 10, 36, 100, 186, 550, 1122, 2564, 5940, 12246, 27560, 58240, 122642, 262458, 542243, 1134944, 2352136, 4826980, 9949352, 20300312, 41377116, 84172508, 170322099, 344527304, 694617960, 1397219682, 2807142612, 5625453196, 11258808682, 22498804286
With offset 16 number of compositions of n, where the difference between the number of odd parts and the number of even parts is -8.
Recurrence (for n>=12): (n-8)*(n+16)*(2*n+1)*(2*n+3)*(n^4 + 6*n^3 + 11*n^2 + 6*n - 4096)*a(n) = -256*(n-9)*(n+1)*(n+15)*(2*n+1)*(2*n+5)*a(n-1) + 2*(2*n+3)*(2*n^7 + 27*n^6 + 242*n^5 + 549*n^4 - 9408*n^3 - 49916*n^2 - 462064*n - 606208)*a(n-2) + 2*(n+1)*(2*n+1)*(2*n+5)*(2*n^5 + 21*n^4 + 79*n^3 + 254*n^2 - 7608*n - 5760)*a(n-3) - (n-4)*(n+4)*(2*n+3)*(2*n+5)*(n^4 + 10*n^3 + 35*n^2 + 50*n - 4072)*a(n-4). - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 20 2014
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