Displaying 1-10 of 12 results found.
Smaller of two consecutive primes whose sum is a square.
17, 47, 71, 283, 881, 1151, 1913, 2591, 3527, 4049, 6047, 7193, 7433, 15137, 20807, 21617, 24197, 26903, 28793, 34847, 46817, 53129, 56443, 69191, 74489, 83231, 84047, 98563, 103049, 103967, 109507, 110441, 112337, 136237, 149057, 151247
a(4) = 283, the next prime is 293 and 283 + 293 = 576 = 24^2.
Transpose[Select[Partition[Prime[Range[20000]], 2, 1], IntegerQ[Sqrt[Plus@@# ]]&]][[1]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 04 2009 *)
(PARI) { default(primelimit, 550655327); n=0; q=2; forprime (p=3, 550655327, if (issquare(p+q), write("b061275.txt", n++, " ", q)); q=p ) } \\ Harry J. Smith, Jul 20 2009
More terms from Larry Reeves (larryr(AT)acm.org) and Asher Auel, May 15 2001
Numbers k such that k^2 is a sum of three successive primes.
7, 11, 29, 31, 43, 151, 157, 191, 209, 217, 221, 263, 311, 359, 367, 407, 493, 533, 563, 565, 637, 781, 815, 823, 841, 859, 881, 929, 959, 997, 1013, 1019, 1021, 1087, 1199, 1211, 1297, 1353, 1471, 1573, 1613, 1683, 1685, 1733, 1735, 1739, 1751, 1761, 1769
a(n) = sqrt(prime(i) + prime(i+1) + prime(i+2)) where i = A076305(n). [Corrected by M. F. Hasler, Jan 03 2020]
7 is in this sequence because 7^2 = 49 = p(6) + p(7) + p(8) = 13 + 17 + 19.
Select[Table[Sqrt[Sum[Prime[k], {k, n, n + 2}]], {n, 100000}], IntegerQ] (* Ray Chandler, Sep 29 2006 *)
Select[Sqrt[#]&/@(Total/@Partition[Prime[Range[90000]], 3, 1]), IntegerQ] (* Harvey P. Dale, Feb 23 2011 *)
(PARI) is(n, p=precprime(n^2/3), q=nextprime(p+1), t=n^2-p-q)=isprime(t) && t==if(t>q, nextprime(q+1), precprime(p-1)) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, May 26 2013; edited by M. F. Hasler, Jan 03 2020
(PARI) A76304=[7]; apply( A076304(n)={if(n>#A76304, my(i=#A76304, N=A76304[i]); A76304=concat(A76304, vector(n-i, i, until( is(N+=2), ); N))); A76304[n]}, [1..99]) \\ M. F. Hasler, Jan 03 2020
Numbers k such that prime(k) + prime(k+1) + prime(k+2) is a square.
6, 12, 59, 65, 112, 965, 1029, 1455, 1706, 1830, 1890, 2573, 3457, 4490, 4664, 5609, 7927, 9130, 10078, 10143, 12597, 18248, 19727, 20086, 20887, 21708, 22739, 25041, 26536, 28511, 29346, 29664, 29774, 33387, 39945, 40677, 46136, 49869, 58135
See A076304 for the square roots of the sums of the three primes.
6 is a term because prime(6) + prime(7) + prime(8) = 13 + 17 + 19 = 49 = 7^2.
Select[Range[60000], IntegerQ[Sqrt[Sum[Prime[k], {k, #, # + 2}]]] &] (* Ray Chandler, Sep 26 2006 *)
Position[Partition[Prime[Range[60000]], 3, 1], _?(IntegerQ[Sqrt[ Total[ #]]]&), 1, Heads->False]//Flatten (* Harvey P. Dale, Sep 28 2018 *)
(PARI) n=0; p=2; q=3; forprime(r=5, 1e9, n++; if(issquare(p+q+r), print1(n", ")); p=q; q=r) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Apr 07 2017
(Magma) [k:k in [1..60000]| IsSquare(&+[NthPrime(k+m):m in [0, 1, 2]])]; // Marius A. Burtea, Jan 04 2020
Smallest of four consecutive primes whose sum is a square.
5, 73, 137, 433, 569, 1217, 5171, 15859, 16631, 32027, 35677, 37619, 39191, 45767, 59029, 63997, 65011, 77813, 92401, 103669, 186601, 196201, 230387, 237161, 261089, 273517, 439559, 463747, 484397, 488573, 505511, 514079, 519803, 538739, 544627, 633599
a(4) = 433. The next three primes are 439, 443, and 449, and the sum of those four primes = 1764 = 42^2.
Transpose[Select[Partition[Prime[Range[80000]], 4, 1], IntegerQ[Sqrt[ Total[#]]]&]][[1]]
Numbers n such that triangular(n) is a sum of three successive primes.
4, 5, 61, 82, 142, 166, 202, 233, 337, 394, 418, 422, 446, 493, 538, 661, 670, 841, 886, 1101, 1177, 1234, 1237, 1266, 1322, 1426, 1441, 1477, 1593, 1642, 1690, 1713, 1765, 1789, 1798, 1885, 1901, 1930, 1941, 2041, 2061, 2098, 2101, 2161, 2218, 2277, 2305, 2350, 2614
For k = 5, triangular(k) = triangular(5) = 15. 15/3 = 5. The next prime larger or equal to 5 is 5. The prime before 5 is 3. If there is a triple of consecutive primes that sum to 15 then 3 and 5 are two of them. Then the third one must be 15 - 3 - 5 = 7. 7 is prime and 3, 5 and 7 are consecutive primes (as 7 is the next larger prime than 5 or the previous prime to 3). Therefore, k = 5 is in the sequence. - David A. Corneth, Sep 18 2019
(Sqrt[8#+1]-1)/2&/@Select[Total/@Partition[Prime[Range[ 100000]], 3, 1], OddQ[ Sqrt[8#+1]]&] (* Harvey P. Dale, Sep 18 2019 *)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define TOP (1ULL<<30)
int main() {
unsigned long long i, j, p1, p2, r, s;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)malloc(TOP/8);
memset(c, 0, TOP/8);
for (i=3; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0 /*&& i<(1ULL<<32)*/)
for (j=i*i>>1; j<TOP; j+=i) c[j>>3] |= 1 << (j&7);
for (p2=2, p1=3, i=5; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0) {
s = p2 + p1 + i;
r = sqrt(s*2);
if (r*(r+1)==s*2) printf("%llu, ", r);
p2 = p1, p1 = i;
return 0;
(PARI) upto(n) = {my(res = List(), t = 10); for(i = 5, n, c = t/3; p = nextprime(ceil(c)); q = precprime(p - 1); r = t - p - q; if(isprime(r) && nextprime(r + 1) == q || nextprime(p + 1) == r, listput(res, i - 1)); t+=i); res}
Cf. A167788 (the corresponding triangular numbers).
Smallest of three consecutive primes whose average is a triangular number.
18713, 27253, 35227, 45433, 138587, 251677, 283861, 425489, 462221, 463189, 486583, 634493, 694409, 826211, 943231, 1103341, 1163557, 1181927, 1214453, 1282387, 1462891, 1509439, 1925681, 1931569, 2425487, 2970689, 3041803, 3324323, 3605939, 3627451, 4096933, 5140781
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define TOP (1ULL<<30)
int main() {
unsigned long long i, j, p1, p2, r, s;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)malloc(TOP/8);
memset(c, 0, TOP/8);
for (i=3; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0 /*&& i<(1ULL<<32)*/)
for (j=i*i>>1; j<TOP; j+=i) c[j>>3] |= 1 << (j&7);
for (p2=2, p1=3, i=5; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0) {
s = p2 + p1 + i;
if ((s%3)==0) {
r = sqrt(s*2);
if (r*(r+1)==s*2) printf("%llu, ", p2);
p2 = p1, p1 = i;
return 0;
Smallest of five consecutive primes whose sum is a square.
181, 199, 317, 3529, 3733, 4177, 4663, 9049, 15329, 15991, 19577, 24907, 43607, 47017, 58073, 84223, 86843, 146191, 152417, 156623, 175543, 217559, 227671, 288461, 308999, 323077, 331249, 333323, 354301, 390289, 397037, 407249, 474923, 476137, 491059, 520339
a(4) = 3529. The next four primes are 3533, 3539, 3541, and 3547, and the sum of all five primes = 17689 = 133^2.
count:= 0: Res:= NULL:
for y from 10 while count < 100 do
target:= y^2;
t:= prevprime(ceil(target/5));
s:= prevprime(t);
r:= prevprime(s);
q:= prevprime(r);
p:= prevprime(q);
u:= p+q+r+s+t;
while u < target do
p:= q; q:= r; r:= s; s:= t; t:= nextprime(t);
u:= p+q+r+s+t;
if u = target then
count:= count+1; Res:= Res, p;
Transpose[Select[Partition[Prime[Range[80000]], 5, 1], IntegerQ[Sqrt[ Total[#]]]&]][[1]]
Smallest of three consecutive primes whose sum is a triangular number.
2, 3, 619, 1123, 3373, 4603, 6829, 9067, 18973, 25933, 29179, 29741, 33211, 40583, 48313, 72923, 74923, 117991, 130973, 202201, 231067, 253993, 255217, 267317, 291491, 339139, 346309, 363829, 423191, 449621, 476279, 489337, 519487, 533713, 539093, 592507, 602603, 621133
R:= 2: count:= 1:
for k from 1 while count < 100 do
for j from 1 to 2 do
m:= 4*k+j;
x:= m*(m+1)/2;
q= prevprime(ceil(x/3));
p:= prevprime(q); r:= nextprime(q);
t:= p+q+r;
if t < x then while t < x do p:= q; q:= r; r:= nextprime(r); t:=p+q+r od
elif t > x then while t > x do r:= q; q:= p; p:= prevprime(p); t:= p+q+r od
if t = x then R:= R, p; count:= count+1; fi
od od :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define TOP (1ULL<<30)
int main() {
unsigned long long i, j, p1, p2, r, s;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)malloc(TOP/8);
memset(c, 0, TOP/8);
for (i=3; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0 /*&& i<(1ULL<<32)*/)
for (j=i*i>>1; j<TOP; j+=i) c[j>>3] |= 1 << (j&7);
for (p2=2, p1=3, i=5; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0) {
s = p2 + p1 + i;
r = sqrt(s*2);
if (r*(r+1)==s*2) printf("%llu, ", p2);
p2 = p1, p1 = i;
return 0;
Cf. A167788 (the resulting triangular numbers).
Smallest of three consecutive primes whose average is a square.
2393, 25913, 47951, 123191, 131759, 219953, 330611, 356387, 450227, 769117, 826271, 870479, 1026143, 1500613, 1515347, 1697797, 1846861, 1907141, 2013541, 2217107, 2486873, 2732383, 3229189, 3294191, 3956101, 4338871, 4481677, 4739297, 5022067, 5239511, 5294591, 5774387
Select[Partition[Prime[Range[400000]], 3, 1], IntegerQ[Sqrt[Mean[#]]]&][[All, 1]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jan 10 2021 *)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define TOP (1ULL<<30)
int main() {
unsigned long long i, j, p1, p2, r, s;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)malloc(TOP/8);
memset(c, 0, TOP/8);
for (i=3; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0 /*&& i<(1ULL<<32)*/)
for (j=i*i>>1; j<TOP; j+=i) c[j>>3] |= 1 << (j&7);
for (p2=2, p1=3, i=5; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0) {
s = p2 + p1 + i;
if ((s%3)==0) {
r = sqrt(s);
if (r*r==s) printf("%llu, ", p2);
p2 = p1, p1 = i;
return 0;
Numbers n such that n^2 is an average of three successive primes.
49, 161, 219, 351, 363, 469, 575, 597, 671, 877, 909, 933, 1013, 1225, 1231, 1303, 1359, 1381, 1419, 1489, 1577, 1653, 1797, 1815, 1989, 2083, 2117, 2177, 2241, 2289, 2301, 2403, 2483, 2493, 2517, 2611, 2617, 2653, 2727, 2779, 2869, 2931, 3029, 3051, 3261, 3515, 3617
Select[Sqrt[Mean[#]]&/@Partition[Prime[Range[10^6]], 3, 1], IntegerQ] (* Harvey P. Dale, Oct 23 2021 *)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define TOP (1ULL<<30)
int main() {
unsigned long long i, j, p1, p2, r, s;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)malloc(TOP/8);
memset(c, 0, TOP/8);
for (i=3; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0 /*&& i<(1ULL<<32)*/)
for (j=i*i>>1; j<TOP; j+=i) c[j>>3] |= 1 << (j&7);
for (p2=2, p1=3, i=5; i < TOP; i+=2)
if ((c[i>>4] & (1<<((i>>1) & 7)))==0) {
s = p2 + p1 + i;
if ((s%3)==0) {
r = sqrt(s);
if (r*r==s) printf("%llu, ", r);
p2 = p1, p1 = i;
return 0;
Search completed in 0.006 seconds