Displaying 1-5 of 5 results found.
"Magic" integers: a(n+1) is the smallest integer m such that there is no overlap between the sets {m, m-a(i), m+a(i): 1 <= i <= n} and {a(i), a(i)-a(j), a(i)+a(j): 1 <= j < i <= n}.
(Formerly M2728)
1, 3, 8, 18, 30, 43, 67, 90, 122, 161, 202, 260, 305, 388, 416, 450, 555, 624, 730, 750, 983, 1059, 1159, 1330, 1528, 1645, 1774, 1921, 2140, 2289, 2580, 2632, 2881, 3158, 3304, 3510, 3745, 4086, 4563, 4741, 4928, 5052, 5407, 5864, 6242, 6528, 6739, 7253
Primes of the form n^7-n-1.
2097143, 1801088519, 21869999969, 42618442943, 78364164059, 137231006639, 194754273839, 435817657169, 678223072799, 1174711139783, 1727094849479, 3938980639103, 4398046511039, 4902227890559, 6722988818363, 19203908986079
Primes of the form k^8-k-1.
1679609, 5764793, 99999989, 4294967279, 282429536453, 377801998307, 5352009260441, 16815125390579, 39062499999949, 72301961339081, 83733937890569, 281474976710591, 513798374428571, 1113034787454899
Primes of the form n^9-n-1.
509, 262139, 10077689, 387420479, 68719476719, 118587876479, 1207269217769, 7625597484959, 10578455953379, 129961739795039, 327381934393919, 1628413597910399, 1953124999999949, 5416169448144839, 10077695999999939
Least prime of the form x^n-x-1.
5, 5, 13, 29, 61, 2097143, 1679609, 509, 1021, 8589934583, 4093, 67108859, 16381, 470184984569, 4294967291, 2218611106740436979, 68719476731, 1350851717672992079, 1048573, 10460353199, 4194301, 20013311644049280264138724244295359, 16777213, 108347059433883722041830239, 20282409603651670423947251285999, 58149737003040059690390159, 72057594037927931, 536870909, 999999999999999999999999999989
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